Chapter 18

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•Chapter 18•

Nash's POV

After Hayes woke me up at like 6 in the morning, I fall back asleep till about 10:30. I wake up and walk down the stairs to the kitchen. I see Morgan unloading the dishwasher so I help her.

"There's the other Grier." Morgan laughs.

"Junior. What's good?" I ask smiling.

"Unloading the dishwasher since all you guys are too lazy to." She smirks.

"Just be happy I'm helping." We both laugh.

"Hey, I was wondering if you could help me out with something?" I ask.

"Yeah, what's up?" She asks.

"Well, this morning Hayes was face timing someone. Like really early. But anyways, I think it was a girl but he hates when I get into his business so..."

"You want me to pry?" She asks easing her eyebrows.

"Would you?" I ask weakly.

"Nash, I'm already not on good terms with my own brother. I'm not going to be responsible for tearing you two apart."

I sigh, "fair enough."

"Okay, I better go jump in the shower." She says closing the dishwasher door.

"Wait- do you might happen to know who it was?" I smile charmingly.

Morgan's POV

I know exactly who it was. It was Nicole. And I know Hayes doesn't want Nash finding out about her and him. But, am I going to tell Nash so he can help Hayes out? Or am I going to keep my word to Hayes?

I shake my head, "no idea."

"Okay. Thanks anyways." He says walking past me to the lounge downstairs.

It's gonna take a lot more than a charming smile to get the truth out of me. I promised Hayes I'd keep my word, and I will.

Matt's POV

Lately, the things around the house are getting tough. So, I know I need to tell Morgan what's going on.

I know Morgan has Sarah on a flight coming out to Cali. So, I know it's our only chance to tell Morgan.

"Morgan?" I knock on her door.

She runs to the door, "hey." She says opening it, "come in."

I haven't really been in Morgan's room that much. Well, I haven't even really talked to her that much either.

"How's a going?" I ask to start small talk.

She nods, "I'm good."

It was silent.

"How- how are you?" She asks.

I can tell she's a little shocked, nervous, and happy I'm talking to her.

I gulp deeply, "I'm good." I nod.

"I see."

It's a little tense and awkward that we're talking so I just break the silence.

"I need to talk to you." I say.

She looks at me with wide eyes, "really? You- you do?"

"I think I have to."

"Okay." She nods, "so, what's up?"

"But, we'll talk later."

"Oh." She says sadly.

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