Chapter 34

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•Chapter 34•

Matt's POV

After my blowout with Morgan, I go up to my room and contemplate my life; how far I've come, how thankful I am, and how much the people in my life mean to me. Especially Morgan.

As I'm contemplating, I here a knock at my door. Jack opens the door and creates a little space so the door isn't touching the wall. He stand in my doorway and I nod as he enters my room, "hey." He says sitting on my bed beside me.

"Hey," I reply.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah," I nod, "it was really wrong of me to say what I did."

"Morgan will be okay," Jack nods, "she's a strong girl."

"I know she will," I say, "but I'm also sorry about what I said to you."

"Don't worry about it, man. You were upset." Jack shrugs.

"I'm still sorry." I say. As we both didn't speak, it got quiet.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the Bennett thing. I didn't feel like it was my place to tell you-"

"I know," I nod.

"But Matt, Morgan is just trying to protect you." Jack says making sure I can hear him.

"But I'm the older brother. I'm supposed to protect her." I shake my head confused.

"It goes both ways, bro." He says.

"I guess," I nod, "and Jack, I feel really bad. When I mentioned back to helping you and flying out to Nebraska, I said it like it was a chore and it wasn't." I shake my head, "you're my best friend. I would have been there in 2 seconds if I could have." I say, "but you know planes." I say raising my eyebrows and shaking my head, "they only go so fast."

"Thanks, Matt." Jack laughs, "and I appreciate everything you did for me when Michael passed."

"It was no problem, bro," I say, "we're brothers."

Jack smiles, "we sure are."

Jack's POV

As Matt and I begin to resolve our problems, I know there's something I should give him.

"Matt?" I say digging around in the back pocket of my pants.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Here," I say handing him a crumpled up piece of paper.

He looks over at me, "what is this?"

"Before I drove Bennett out of the city, he gave me this." I say, "it's where he's staying. It has his address and everything."

He nods, "thanks, man." I smile and start to walk towards Matt's door.

"Oh- and one more thing," I say turning back towards him, "I did a little background check on Lance and apparently Morgan isn't the first girl that he has harassed. He has a full empire of everything he has collected from his past 'mistakes'."

"Wait-" he says trying to take everything in, "so you're saying..-"

"Lance has an agenda," I finish his thought, "he is manipulating Morgan to give him the money so that he can file a report against her." Matt's eyes widen, "he has all the proof he needs to win a case against Morgan; the bet, the cash- he can even turn it around to make it look like Morgan forced him to hit that person with a car. It's all part of his master plan."

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