Chapter 38

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A/N: Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while.

Just to clear some things up, last chapter was not the last chapter of this book.

There will be a couple more chapters; I don't know how many but I'm planning to make a few more. I don't know how many but I want to continue this book for a little while longer.

The chapters may not be as long and updated as often but I think there will be a few more updates.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy chapter 38!

•Chapter 38•

Matt's POV

I get home, and the cops inform me that there will be further prosecutions against Lance. But for now, Morgan and I can finally be at peace.

After talking with Bennett and the police, I come home and Morgan is sitting in the living room anxiously.

"Matt?" She says, her eyes widening, "where have you been?"

"I talked to Bennett." I nod and slowly put my hands in my pockets.

She automatically lights up and smiles, "really?"

"I love you, Morgs. I fight for the both of us." I smile. She runs up to me and hugs me.

"Thank you." She says quietly.

"He's not going to hurt you again." I nod, "it'll all be okay."

I'm glad I could finally protect Morgan and reassure her that everything is okay.

Morgan's POV

After hearing the great news that Lance has been arrested, I want to go tell Jack. I text him but he doesn't reply.

As I'm searching on the second floor, I bump into Aaron.

"Woah! Junior - watch where you're going!" He laughs.

"Sorry Aaron," I gasp for air.

"Did you just run a marathon or something?"

"Something like that-" I laugh, "I'm just looking for Gilinsky."

"He's down at the beach." Aaron nods.

"Oh okay!" I say turning to run back down the stairs, "thanks!"

"Wait-!" He stops me and I turn towards him, "what's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Of course-" I nod and smile, "things couldn't be better."

"Okay," he smiles and nods awkwardly, "go get your prince, Cinderella." He teases.

"Shut up, Carpenter!" I yell as I run down the stairs, almost tripping over my own feet.

I reach the back doors and run out to the beach. I look to my left and I see Jack sitting on the sand - and a drop dead gorgeous blonde sitting next to him. After a few seconds I see them hug and walk into the water together.

Maybe I shouldn't have came looking for Jack.

After seeing Jack and that girl, I don't really want to associate with anyone.

I go up to my room and lay in my bed with Netflix on my tv. I turn an episode of Friends on even though I'm not really watching.

After about an hour or so in my room alone, Jack walks in.

"Hey, you!" He smiles and sits beside on my bed. He kisses my cheek and holds my hand.

"Hi." I try to plaster a smile on my face, "where have you been?"

"I was downtown," he lies, "Aaron says you have been looking for me?" He asks with uncertainty, "what's up-"

"Who was that girl you were with on the beach?" I ask getting straight to the point. I automatically feel the tension in the room.

I let go of his hand and try to look up into his eyes but he's avoiding eye contact. His smile is gone.

He stares at me blankly, "what're you talking about?"

"Please don't lie to me, Jack." I shake my head.

"It's not a big deal-" he tries to reassure me, still avoiding eye contact.

"If it wasn't such a big deal then why did you lie about where you were?" I blink hard trying to hold back my tears, "Jack, who is she?"

"Morgan," he shakes his head, "she's not important to me like you are."

"Stop avoiding my question, Jack." I shake my head, "who is she?"

He looks down then into my eyes for the first time, "she's my ex-girlfriend."

I shake my head, "I can't believe you." I say standing from my bed.

"You wanted me to tell you the truth!" Jack jumps up.

"Well I'm sorry!" I say sarcastically, "you didn't expect me to be mad?!"

"Morgan- just let me explain!" He yells.

"No - you know what?" I pause, "can you just leave?"

"Morgan-" he sighs and grabs my hand, "I love you."

No you don't.

If he really loved me he wouldn't be sneaking around with another girl behind my back; lying to me.

I put my hand on my forehead, "no, Jack." I let a tear fall onto my cheek, "I shouldn't have even given you a chance."

"Don't say that." He kisses my hand, "come on."

I pull my arm away, "Jack, just go." He looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Come find me when you're ready to listen to what I have to say for once." He says angrily, shaking his head.

"Woah - what is that supposed to mean?" I cross my arms.

"You don't even let me explain!" He yells, "you're making false accusations!"

"Actions speak louder than words, Jack!" I yell back, "I seen enough to know the truth."

"Is that so?" He cocks his head sideways, crossing his arms.


He glares hard at me for a few seconds then chuckles, "whatever, Morgan." He starts to walk out of my room but turns back to me, "ohh-! Have you broke up with Kale yet?" I glare at him as he snickers and walks out of my room.

He only said that to make me feel bad. I haven't told Kale that I started to see Jack.

I should have never told Jack how I felt about him.
I should have never let him kiss me.
I should have walked away from him when I had the chance.

Things would be so much easier if I was with Kale.

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