Chapter 36

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A/N: hey! I know that you all have been impatiently waiting for a new chapter!

Here it is! I might not be updating Chapter 37 until a little after Christmas because I have some things going on right now.

The chapter will come though, I promise!


•Chapter 36•

Morgan's POV

So Jack kissed me 42 hours ago. He kissed me.. and I think I kissed back.

I think I may have even liked it.

Jack means a lot to me and a stupid kiss doesn't have to prove it. He knows that I am trying to avoid my feelings because the right thing to do is to be with Kale. At least I think it is.

Isn't it?

I don't think Matt would ever let me be with Jack so what's the point in ruining our friendship?

I have avoided him for nearly two days and even if I were to talk to him, I wouldn't have a clue as to what to say. I don't even know what to tell Kale.

After what feels like a decade of thinking my life over in my bed, I finally decide to get out of bed. I slip my red flannel pajama pants on and throw on a white shirt. I find a pair of brown slippers and throw them on my feet.

As soon as I walk out of my room, the smell of bacon, and eggs hits me. I quickly rush down the stairs to find Sarah and all the guys including Sam, Kenny, Jc, and Kian sitting around the dining room table, with plates full of breakfast mounted in front of them.

"Mornin' Junior," Aaron greets adding a South accent.

"Hey," I say scoping out the table realizing Jack isn't here.

"Come sit down and eat," Hayes nods.

I walk around the table to an open seat beside Hayes, "can you pass the-" I pause when I look up and see Jack walking out of the kitchen and towards the table.

"The what?" Nash giggles.

I cough and shake my head, "the uhm- the bacon." Nash passes me a bowl from across the table.

Jack is looking down when he approaches the table, "hey guys-" Jack looks up realizing I'm here. The two of us are just looking straight into each other's eyes. I can feel the other guys' eyes on us.

"What's up?" Cameron asks with a snicker.

"Morgan-!" Sarah says relieving the tension in the room, "can you help me with something in the kitchen?"

I look away from Jack then to Sarah and nod. Sarah and I quickly walk out of the dining room and enter the kitchen.

"What's going on with the two of you?" Sarah asking crossing her arms leaning against the refrigerator.

I shrug, "when I got home from my date with Kale the other night.. Jack sort of kissed me."

Her eyes widen, "what?!"

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