Chapter 15

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A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating lately but here is chapter 15!

•Chapter 15•

Sammy's POV

I wake up at around 7:45 am because I couldn't fall back asleep so I decide to get something to eat in the kitchen. As I'm walking down the stairs I see somebody sitting on the cement pads, just outside the glass sliding doors. It looks like Matt. I walk towards the door and open the door.

It's Matt so I open the sliding doors. He doesn't turn around to look who it is. He just sits quietly, with his knees up and his arms around his knees, looking forward. I sit beside him in the same form.

It was quiet until I broke the silence, "you know what you need to do, man."

It was quiet as Matt looks down.

I waited for Matt to respond but he didn't.

I broke the silence again and blurted, "how long have you been sitting out here?"

Matt shrugs, "a while."

"And how long have you been debating on whether to tell Morgan whatever you are hiding from her?"

He sits there, clearly torn about whatever he is hiding from her.

Matt's POV

I can't tell him what I'm hiding from Morgan. But Sam's right. I have to tell Morgan.

"Matt, you're like a brother. And I'll stand behind you no matter what. But you need to tell her, man."

I nod and look back down.

"Do you wanna come inside?" He asks.

I shake my head, "no. I think I just need to be alone for a little bit."

He nods getting back onto his feet, "alright." He turns around and walks to the door.

Sammy's POV

I get up and leave Matt just for some more time to himself.

I stop at the door and look at Matt sitting so quietly, "she loves you, Matt." I say, "a lot." I add and look at Matt hoping for a response. Just as I open the door, Matt turns around and responds.

"Thank you." He says with guilt written on his face.

I nod and walk back inside.

Morgan's POV

Everyone is getting ready for the barbecue to set off the official calling of summer and our events! Even though Matt is mad at me and I haven't exactly made a whole lot of friends besides the guys, I really hope I'll have a fun summer or else the whole reason why I came here will be a waste.

But as I'm looking out my big window by my balcony, I see a figure, like a person, looking up at me from the beach.

"You ready for the barbecue?" Gilinsky asks standing in my doorway.

I stand facing away looking out my window, "yeah." I say not really paying attention to him.

He tilts his head, "is everything okay?"

"Hmm?" I ask turning around.

"Listen, I know you and your brother haven't been on best of terms, but Sam told me he talked to Matt and he feels really bad." He says sympathetically.

I look at him confused, "Jack, you don't underst-

"it's okay, Morgan. You don't need to say anything."

Obviously Jack doesn't realize that I was psyched-out about that person looking at me through my bedroom window, but it was nice knowing that he was there to comfort me.

I nod, "thanks, Gilinsky."

"No problem."

"Are you getting soft on me?" I tease.

"What? Me? Soft? No way." He says acting cool.

I laugh and shake my head, "whatever you say."

I say turning back to window to see the person who was looking up at me. But as I turn, I noticed that they are gone.

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