Chapter 30

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while!


Morgan's POV

We arrive at Safeway and all three of us get out of the vehicle. I don't know exactly what I'm shopping for except pizza. Sam and some other guys are coming back over tonight for the event and I know I should buy some food to snack on for after our show.

"Are we going to buy pizza?" Hayes asks.

"Yeah, whatever you want." I reply.

Hayes starts to walk away but I quickly turn to Sarah, "will you go with him?" I ask.

Sarah can tell I'm going to be a lot more cautious of Hayes now.

"Of course," she says and jogs to catch up to Hayes.

I start to walk backwards, just to make sure Sarah catches up to Hayes but as I back up, I run into a neatly piled stand full of apples. I hear them hit the ground and I quickly turn around.

I see a guy on the floor with about a million apples that had fallen off the pile onto him.

"I am so sorry-" I say running towards him.

"it's okay," he chuckles, "it gives me another job to do."

I nod and offer him and hand up and he accepts it, "ooh. So you're the stacking boy." I tease.

"You know, the stacking industry is very competitive," he raises an eyebrow, "and highly professional."

"So, I could do it?" I smirk.

"Let's see you stack," he crosses his arms.

"Apples?" I say shifting my weight onto my left leg, "give me a little more of a challenge." I say sarcastically.

He laughs and we both bend down to pick up the bruised apples.

"I'm sorry," I say.

"For bruising my apples?" He chuckles looking over at me, lifting his head.

"Yeah," I chuckle.

"It's okay," he laughs.

It was quiet as we finished putting the apples back on the stand. We both stand back up and look at each other.

"I think I know you from somewhere." He says looking into my eyes.

"I'm Morgan Espinosa." I say, "Matthew Espinosa's sister."

"yeah." He nods, "you and your brother are pretty funny." He laughs and so do I.

"Thanks," I say, "I got invited to go to conventions and do Meet and Greets with the guys this summer that are around this area."

"That's awesome," he says, "do you guys have any events coming up?"

"I actually have one tonight." I state.

He nods, "that's cool."

"Here." I say handing him a ticket for admission, "I owe you," he looks at me confused, "for bruising your apples."

"Right!" He says sarcastically.

I look through my bag and hand him a backstage pass, "what's this for?" He asks.

"You know, just incase you might want to see me again." I grin.

"How did you know?" He asks smiling.

I smile, "I can text you the details if you want."

"Yeah," he smiles and grabs his phone out of his back pocket, "that would be cool."

I put my number in his phone and he puts his in mine.

"Alright." He says turning his phone off.

We stand there for a second just looking at each other but break eye contact.

"I should get back to work-"

"I actually have to go too." We both say awkwardly. We look back at each other and laugh.

"I guess I'll see you later then." He smiles.

"Yeah." I smile back.

He runs off and puts his phone in his back pocket.

As he's running off, I remembered something.

"Wait-" I yell and he turns around.

"I don't know your name," I say.

"Kale," he smiles.

"It was nice to meet you, Kale." I smile back.

"You too, Morgan."

I don't know why I gave Kale my number. I guess I just want to see him again.

I turn around and start walking away with a big smile on my face, and Sarah and Hayes are leaning against a shelf smirking at me. I stop because I'm shocked they're both right there.

"What?" I ask picking my speed back up and walking past them.

"What was that all about?" Sarah asks catching up beside me.

"What was what all about?" I mock.

"Oh you know 'I can give you my number if you want'?" Hayes says mocking me in a girly voice.

We exit the store and start walking to our vehicle.

"I was just being nice," I say blushing.

"Do you think he's cute?" Sarah asks me with a smirk.

I stop walking and look at her, "Sarah-" I pause, "okay, maybe a little."

Hayes laughs, "But what about Gilinsky?"

Sarah and I both stop and look at Hayes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"I just thought you and Jack had a thing," he replies.

"Nooooo!" I say shaking my head and exaggerating the o, "nononono!"

"Then what are all of those lovey dovey moments I caught between you two-"

"Okay!" I say loudly trying to get Hayes to be quiet, "who wants Taco Bell?" I ask.

"that's not even a question!" Hayes says running to the vehicle.

"You're sure there's nothing going on between you and G?"

"Positive." I nod my head.

"Alright." She says.

I don't know how I feel about Jack but nothing is going to happen between us. But maybe something will with Kale.

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