Chapter 23

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•Chapter 23•

Morgan's POV

When we get home from our event, everyone walks into the house and either goes downstairs or to the living room. Hayes has seemed upset ever since I talked to him and 'Hanna'.

He walks into the house in front of me and then I follow behind him. He walks into the house and starts to walk up the stairs but I stop him by grabbing his arm.

"Hayes." I say.

He stops and turns to me after a few seconds, "yeah?"

"Do you want to talk?" I ask.

"No." He shakes his head.

I nod, "listen, I'm really-"

"Yeah yeah," he cuts me off, "you're sorry and you didn't mean to pry even though your promised me you wouldn't." He says in an annoyed tone, "I've heard it all before."


"Why did you do it anyway?" He asks shaking his head, "did you see me talking to a girl and assume that I needed your help?"

"No." I say.

"Did you think that I couldn't talk to a girl on my own without the help of you?"


"Or did you see me talking to a girl and decided it was to good of an opportunity to pass up to humiliate me?" He asks defeated.

"Hayes, not at all." I reply.

"Then why?" He asks.

I don't say anything, only because I don't even know why I did it.

He nods

He snarls, "I thought at least you could keep a promise."

"Please don't get upset-"

"I'm only upset because I trusted you!" He yells and looks down.

"Hayes, why are you so upset? Hanna didn't seem upset."

He doesn't say anything.

"Who is Hanna, anyways?" I ask.

"you promised you wouldn't pry."he says quietly.


"You were the only person I could trust about this, Morgan."

"So you trusted me so much that you had to lie to me about who she was?"

"No. I trusted you so much that I chose to tell you over my own brother." He says and makes me stop talking, "but maybe I should have told him."

It was quiet for a few seconds while he waited for me to reply.

He shakes his head, "I'm going to bed."

First Matt and now Hayes?

I may have lost another important person in my life.

Jack's POV

So last night we had an event and the crowd was hype!

I walk out of my room and go down to the kitchen. I see Morgan making pancakes and bacon.

"What brings you up at this time of day?" I ask walking to the fridge.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." She replies.

"Yeah, I thought it was odd seeing you cooking." I tease.

She glares at me and flicks batter in my face. I wipe the batter off my face.

"That's it." I say and her eyes go big.

I start running after her and she runs to the living room.

"Jack! Jack!" She pleads out of breath, "I'm sorry!"

"It's to late." I say and chase after her.

I get ahold of her and pull her to the floor. It just so happens that she fell on top of me. That was just a bonus.

"So, is that mercy?" I ask smirking.

"I guess so." She replies looking into my eyes.

We both sniff at the same time at a nasty smell. Morgan jumps up.

"My pancakes!" She says running to the kitchen.

Of course pancakes have to ruin this moment.

I jump up and run into the kitchen with her.

She sighs and lets her shoulders fall.

She turns to me, "they're burnt."

I feel bad because it's my fault that her pancakes are burnt.

"Why can't I do anything right?" She asks upset.

"Hey, you didn't mean to burn the pancakes. That was my fault anyways."

She doesn't say anything.

"I love burnt pancakes. They're my favourite!" I say trying to cheer her up.

"Why do I always mess up?" She asks sitting down on the floor, leaning up against the cupboards.

I sit down beside her.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"First my brother, now Hayes, and now my pancakes."

"What happened with Hayes?" I ask.

"I pried into his love life when I promised I wouldn't." She says looking down.

"He'll get over it, it's Hayes we're talking about. Not Nash." I say making her smile.

I stand up.

"Now come on." I say extending my hand for her to grab and she does.

"What're we doing?" She asks.

"We're gonna make pancakes." I say looking at her and smile. She smiles back, "and this time, they aren't gonna burn."

"Okay chef Gilinsky." She teases and giggles.

I flick batter in her face and she starts to laugh. Her eyes meet mine and it's almost magical.

I really hope Matt tells Morgan about Sarah soon, or I think I might have too.

I think I might have feelings for Morgan.

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