Chapter 3

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Carter's POV

So, I really want to talk to Matt about Sarah. I mean we are talking about Morgan's best friend here. I, I just didn't think Matt would still be with her. I thought they would be done.

"Girls are like chocolate bars" Aaron says.

"Or candy." Cam replies.

"Yeah. You're right." Nash says.

"I'm confused." Morgan says looking confused.

"Well, sometimes you're in the mood for a Snickers bar, or a Cookies And Cream." Johnson states.

"Woah dude! Cookies And Cream are the best!" Gilinsky shouts.

"And sometimes, you might be in the mood for a Popsicle." I say

"Only you, Carter." Matt says jokingly.

*all the guys start laughing*

"You guys are disgusting!" Morgan says shaking her head.

"Get used to it, Espinosa Junior." Shawn says sassily.

"Espinosa Junior? Seriously Mendes?" Morgan says while chuckling.

"It's all I could think of." Shawn says laughing.

"I don't know about you hillbillies, but I'm hitting the beach!" Taylor yells.

"Wait up Caniff!" Nash shouts.

*all the guys storm into the house*

"Matt, can I talk to you?" I ask.

"Yeah, bro. What's up?" He replies.

"So, you and Sarah."

"Listen, I will do anything. Don't tell any of the other guys." He begs.

"Dude, I won't." I say reassuringly.

Matt's POV

"So what do you want to know?" I ask.

"Are- are you in love with her?" He asks stammering.

I just kind of froze there.

"I, I think I'm starting to fall for her." I say.

"Then you better tell Morgan."

"Dude! I can't-"

"So when you and Sarah will be living happily while Morgan is left in the dark about all of this, and also being deceived by her best friend... and her older brother." He says.

I mean. He does have a point.

"You don't think I feel bad about this!?" I whisper yell.

"Well, you don't really seem like it."

"Can we just drop it, Carter. It's my first day being back with the guys and you're being a downer."

"Yeah bro. Anything for you." Carter says glaring and walking into the house.

I actually can't believe Carter right now. He is being a jerk and I haven't even been in the house for three hours. He does have a point though.

Morgan's POV

So right now, me and the guys are getting ready to go down to the beach! I put on my white bikini top and put my surfing suit on up to my waist so that my top is showing. I grab my surf board and run out of my room.

"Woah!" Gilinsky yells.

I almost knocked him off his feet with my surf board.

"I'm sorry Jack!"

"It's cool. The guys wanted me to see if you were coming." He says.

"Well. I'm dressed, aren't I?"

"So I guess we do have a sassy one." He smirks.

"Whatever." I glare at him, "are you going?"

"Um no. I have to stay and wait for Bart to get here."

"Why?" I ask.

"because." He replies sassily.

"Okay. I deserved that one."

"Yeah you did." He replies.

"Okay. Later loser!"

"See ya, Morgeena!"

I stop running and look back and glare at him. He smirks and I run off to find the rest of the guys.

"Woah, Morgan. You surf?" Taylor asks me.

"Yeah.. why?"

"You just don't seem like you do." Nash answers for him.

"Well, once you get to know me, I'm full of surprises." I smirk.

"And the fire cracker strikes again!" Aaron yells.

"Alright boys! Let's hit the beach!" Johnson shouts.

•end of chapter•

A/N: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is reading and supporting!

Also, I want to wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas! ❤️🎄🎅🎉

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