Chapter 20

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That's supposed to be Morgan and Sarah^^^

Have any of you listened to Shawn's new album? It's amazing 😍😍❤️

I'm obsessed with A Little Too Much.

Anyways, enjoy!

•chapter 20•

Morgan's POV

Gilinsky and I are walking out to the limo to go to the airport. We're walking out and Kenny comes up to the two of us.

"You guys ready to go?" He asks excitedly.

"Yeah-!" I say as Gilisnky cuts me off by whispering in my ear.

"What's he doing?" Jack asks, whispering in my ear.

"He asked to come." I whisper back.

"And you couldn't of said no?"

I shake my head, "what's your problem?"

"Nothing." He shakes his head back, "I just didn't know you were handing out invitations." He sasses.

"Well I invited you, didn't I?" I sass back.

The three of us hop into the limo and start driving to the airport.

Kenny's POV

I got invited to go to the airport with Morgan and Jack's coming too.

Morgan is actually really sweet, and funny... and cute.

"No way!" She yells and laughs hysterically.

"Way!" I yell back laughing with her.

"How old were you?" She asks.

"Like five."

"Your mom just left you there? Alone? In the supermarket?" She asks laughing.

"Yeah. I actually decided to play a trick on my mom because I knew she would come back."

"Oh my gosh!" she laughs, "what did you do, Kenny?"

"Well, let's just say when she came back to find me, she couldn't actually find me." I laugh.

Her jaw drops and I let out a laugh.

"Don't worry," I laugh, "the managers voice came across the intercom and said that if anyone was missing a child that I was at the office." I continue to laugh.

"How long did it take her to come get you?"

"Not even thirty seconds." I laugh.

She bursts out laughing, "at least she was concerned."

"It was the funniest thing. I acted all scared and frightened when my mom came and got me but as soon as we were in the vehicle, my lesson was learned."

"You were a little rebel, Kenny." She smirks.

"Well, what can I say?" I chuckle.

Jack G's POV

So we're on our way to the airport and Morgan and Kenny are talking and laughing. But so what? Why is she so impressed?

I'm not mad or anything.

It's just getting annoying.

"Do you guys think you can keep it down a bit?" I ask putting my ear buds in my ears.

I can see Morgan roll her eyes out of the corner of my eyes.

After a few minutes we get to the airport. We get out of the limo and walk into the airport.

"She said she just landed." Morgan says looking at her phone.

"Sweet." Kenny says nodding his head.

"I'm going to go get something to drink. You guys want anything?" I ask.

Kenny says, "Can you get me-"

"No. Okay! I'll be right back." I say cutting him off.

Morgan runs up beside me, "I'll come get a drink." She says as we continue to walk.

"Kenny's that boring?" I smirk.

"I'm just thirsty." She glares.

"For me." I chuckle and she glares at me.

We walk over to Starbucks and stand in line.

"What do you want?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "you know I'm not poor."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I can buy my own drink."

"I know you can." I add, "but you're not going to."

I ended up buying. She said thank you and we walked back to Kenny who was sitting on a chair, doing something on his phone.

"Has she said anything yet?" Kenny asks.

Just as Kenny finishes, Morgan's phone starts to ring.

Morgan's POV

I look at my caller ID and its Sarah.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone.

"Where are you?" She asks chuckling.

I laugh, "We're just waiting."

I look at Jack who is standing and Kenny who is sitting. They look at me wondering who's on the other end.

"Turn around" she says.

I turn around slowly and I see Sarah standing there with her luggage.

I run up to Sarah and I practically jump into her arms.

"I missed you so much!" I say into her shoulder.

"I missed you too!" Sarah says not letting go of me.

After about two minutes, we walk back to Kenny and Jack.

Gilinsky's POV

Morgan walks back with a girl, who I'm assuming is her friend that's staying with us.

"Jack, Kenny," Morgan says smiling, "this is my friend who's going to be staying with us."

Morgan's friend shakes my hand.

"I'm Jack." I smile.

She lets go of my hand, "it's nice to meet you. I'm Sarah."

Uh oh.

I did not think that this was the friend that was visiting Morgan.

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