Chapter 17

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•Chapter 17•

Morgan's POV

I come back to the house around 3:30 in the morning. All the lights are off and it's really dark. I slowly walk up I my room and everyone's doors are closed so I enter mine, close my door, and turn my lights on.

I walk into my bathroom and I'm too tired to shower so I just throw my pj shorts and white sleeveless shirt on. I tie my hair up into a loose messy bun and walk out of my bathroom.

I go to close my blinds by my balcony when I hear a small knock on my door and a head peak in.

"Morgan?" I turn to see Gilinsky in my door way.

I look at Jack, "hey."

"Hey." He replies stepping into my room.

"What are you doing up at this time?" I ask snickering.

"Editing a video for YouTube. But I could ask you the same thing." He replies snickering.

I shrug trying to find an answer, "I... couldn't sleep."

He nods.

"Is anyone else up?" I ask.

"At this hour?" He chuckles.

I turn to my window to close my blinds and I see the same figure from the night before. I hear Jack talking to me but I was to busy looking at the figure.

"Morgan?" Jack asks.

"hmm?" I reply turning my head from the window and looking back at him.

"Is everything okay?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah. I'm sorry." I close my eyes and shake my head, "I've just been distracted."

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I've just been seeing this figure outside my window and it's looking up at me and they just keep popping up. And then when I look back to them, they're gone and it's freaking me out-" I shake my head and look down, "and now I'm babbling and you probably don't believe me."

He shakes his head, "I believe you."


"Yeah. Just lock your balcony door." He comforts.

"Thanks. I will." I nod.

It was quiet as we looked out my window but I broke the silence by closing the blinds.

"We missed you, at the barbecue." Jack says snapping from the silence.

I didn't realize Jack noticed I'd had left.

I shrug my shoulders and look down, "it was just a barbecue. I'm sure nobody missed me."

"I did." He mumbles thinking I didn't hear him.

It was silent for a few seconds until we look into each others eyes. As I looked at him, I felt safe and comfort. Even though we weren't touching or talking, he made me feel secure.

I open my mouth and he looks away, "I should, um-"

"I should let you go-" he says pointing to my bed.

I say scratching the back of my neck, "You should-" he knows where I'm going with it so he cuts me off by nodding.

"I should let you go finish editing-" I say.

"Yeah. I'll see you in the morning." He says finally walking towards the door.

"Jack-" I say and he turns around and looks at me.

"Thanks." I smile.

He smiles but looks up confused.

"for believing me." I add.

"oh. Call me if you see anything." He says comforting.

I nod.

"Or even if you don't." He smirks and walks away with his hands in his pockets.

I have to admit, that was pretty smooth.

Well played, Gilinsky. Well played.

Nash's POV

So Hayes has been staying with us for a while now and he's sleeping in my room and frankly, he's getting really annoying.

He's leaving his crap all over my room, he's messy, he's loud, he takes all my stuff, and he doesn't do anything.

Like anything.


And you wouldn't believe what I was woken up to this morning. Oohh! That's right! Hayes.

I look at my phone and it's 6:12 am.

I open the door to my bathroom and Hayes is sitting in the bathtub, in his underwear, on his phone, laughing.

He's not taking a bath, he's just sitting in the tub. Laughing.

I am half asleep, I don't know if this is a dream or reality.

I can barley keep my eyes open, "Hayes. What the hell are you doing?"

Hayes laughs into his phone.

"Who are you face timing?" I ask confused.

"I'll call you back later." Hayes saying ending his FaceTime call and shutting his phone off.

"Hayes?" I say making a frown with my eyebrows.

"What? Can a guy have some privacy." He says standing up and stepping out of the tub.

"Why are you sitting in bathtub in your underwear?" I say peaking over into the tub, "with a pillow and a blanket?"

Hayes looks at me and glares then rolls his eyes.

I look around sarcastically, "do you have a fridge in here too?"

"I was... FaceTiming." He says looking around for an answer.

"So you had to be as loud as a train?" I ask.

"I'm sorry. I know you don't like when I'm loud while you're sleeping so I thought I'd chill in the tub."

"dude. You didn't need to sleep in the tub."

"Yes I did. Or else you would of been mad that I was being loud."

"Who were you facetiming anyway this early?" I ask.

He shrugs, "someone." Hayes saying brushing past me, exiting the bathroom.

"Okay." I turn around so I'm facing the room instead of the bathroom, "so who was it?"

"Can you just leave me alone." Hayes says.

"Can you just tell me who it was." I say mocking him.

"Just screw off." He says turning around so I wouldn't see his blush.

"Oooh. Poo Bear is blushing." I say girly.

Hayes cracks a smile, "dude, go back to sleep!" Hayes says walking to the door.

I laugh, "where are you going?" I ask.

Brings his phone up by his face and shakes it, "to go back to more important things." Hayes says walking out the door and closing it.

I laugh, "have fun."

Hayes thinks he is going to keep his FaceTime buddy a secret. Well, not for long.

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