Chapter 37

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A/N: this chapter is going to be just about Matt.

It will be a little short but I know you will love it!

I'm updating tonight because I won't have time for the next little while.

Merry Christmas! 🎅🏼🎄❤️

Chapter 37•

Matt's POV

A couple weeks ago, Jack gave me the address to where Lance Bennett is staying. I know exactly what to say and do to take Bennett down.

I arrive at the address and I wasn't expecting a mansion. It's literally three times the size of the house that the guys and I are staying in. I get out of my car and walk up to the door.

I turn my phone on voice memos so that when I'm talking with Lance, I can capture everything he says. I gently put my phone in my jacket pocket. The conversation I will be having with Lance will prove that all he has done is true.

Before I knock on the door, I dial 911 and tell the police that I have something they might want; if things work out after my conversation I will soon be having with Lance, I will give the police the tape recording I will soon be taking. But if things don't, I could be seriously charged for a false alarm.

Either way, I need to protect my sister.

I call the police now because by the time they find Bennett's address and get here, it will be a good ten minutes. That means I have some time to capture all of the proof I need for the police to believe me that Lance is seriously guilty.

I'm praying that this works out.

I knock three times and no one comes to the door. I slowly open the door and enter the house. The inside of the house is more exhilarating then the house.

I take a few steps and I hear someone speak, "I didn't think of you as a breaking and entering type of guy, Espinosa."

I turn and Lance Bennett is standing behind me with a huge grin, "you're one to talk, Bennett." I mock

He rolls his eye and walks in front of me as I follow behind, "did your sister send you here to do her dirty work?"

"Morgan doesn't know I'm here," I glare crossing my arms.

He nods, "so you decided to pay me instead?" He chuckles, "I wasn't expecting it but I'll take it-"

"I'm not paying you, Lance." I blink then glare.

"Then why are you here?" He asks in confusion.

"I know," I say hinting as he turns slowly towards me.

"What do you mean, you know?" He flinches.

"About your past," I finish, "Morgan's not the only one you've blackmailed."

"it was a bet," he yells, "if she thought I couldn't steal a car, then she obviously doesn't know who I am."

"Well - at least I know who you are; It wasn't the first bet you have made," I say, "where did you get all the money from to buy this house?" He looks at me with anger, "or should I say whom?"

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