Chapter 27

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A/N: I wanted to give a big thanks to the people who sent in their word pictures like the great one done up above by espinosa_wbu ^^

Thanks again for sending it in! ❤️

I'll be posting the other ones on the next chapters!

Please send them into me! If you don't know where to contact me, just inbox me on here and we can figure something out.

•Chapter 27•

Hayes's POV

So I wake up, and no one is up. I run downstairs and I was expecting a call from my mom by now, but I guess she's busy.

Gilinsky should be up by now, and Cam should be too.

I walk over to the patio outside and no one is there. I even walk out to the beach but there's no one in sight.

I go back to the house and sit in the kitchen and scroll through my phone. I see that some guys were at a meet and greet and are coming over today. I know Sam, Kenny, and I think Kian.

I'm excited to see all the guys and reunite. It's gonna be fun!

As I'm looking through my recent texts I see one from Morgan that was just sent to me a few minutes ago.

Morgan: can I ask you something?

Me: sure.

Morgan: who was the girl you were hanging out with at our meet and greet? I thought she was Nicole but apparently she wasn't?

So, I know I told Morgan that there was this girl, Nicole. But the truth is, she doesn't exist. It's Hanna who does.

I didn't want to tell anyone about Hanna because I knew what they would do. They would never stop bugging and pestering me. I just wanted privacy. I want everyone to understand that I'm not a little kid anymore. I am a mature guy who can date who he wants without the help of anyone else. I wanted to be independent.

This way, nobody knows who Nicole was because Nicole didn't really exist.

I really care about Hanna and I want to ask her out. But I know no one will support me because I lied to everyone. Well not everyone, just Morgan.

Me: can you come downstairs?

Morgan: sorry kid, I'm just downtown.

Me: okay, we'll talk when you get home.

Morgan: sounds good.

I really hope Morgan understands why I had to lie to her, and I hope she can forgive me.

She may not be my true sister by blood, but she sure is by choice. I know she would never intentionally hurt me and I hope she understands I would never either.

Morgan's POV

It's already noon and there is no sign of Lance.

Jack and I have been driving all over LA and there's no sign of him. It's not like he just disappeared into another state.

It was quiet as we were driving back to the house.

"I'm sorry we didn't find this guy." Jack says.

"It's alright," I say shrugging.

"Well, no. It's really not alright." He says shaking his head.

"What?" I ask confused, "it's okay, Jack. We'll find him."

It was quiet as he continued to drive, "I'm starting to think that maybe telling Matt is a good idea-"

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