Chapter 21

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•Chapter 21•

Jack G's POV

We picked Sarah up from the airport and now we're driving back to the house.

I did not know that Sarah was the friend that was coming to stay with us. This Sarah is the friend that's secretly seeing Matt behind Morgan's back. Sarah doesn't know that I know about her and Matt. It's really awkward because I don't know what to say.

Morgan and Sarah are sitting across from Kenny and I but they're having their own conversation. I grab my phone out and start scrolling through my Twitter notifications.

As I'm on my phone, Kenny turns towards me.

"She's hot, hey?" He says looking at the two girls.

I take my eyes off my phone and look at Morgan, "yeah." I shrug.

"I didn't realize she would look like this." He says smiling.

I chuckle, "what do you mean?"

"I just thought she would look different."

I laugh, "like what? Matt?" I say, my eyes going back to my phone screen.

Kenny looks at me confusingly, "what?"

"They're siblings, bro."

"Really?" He says shocked.

"Well what do you think?" I say rolling my eyes.

"I thought Morgan and Matthew were siblings." Kenny says shaking his head.

"They are." I nod slowly.

"I'm so lost right now." Kenny says, "I did not know that Sarah was related to Matt and Morgan."

"What? Dude, she's not. Sarah is Morgan's friend." I say slowly.

"You said that Sarah and Matt are siblings."

"I said Morgan and Matt are siblings."

"Bro, you do realize I'm talking about Sarah." Kenny says smirking.

I pause and look at Kenny, "what?"

"You're talking about Morgan, aren't you?" He lets out a smirk.

"I thought you were talking about Morgan."

"I'm talking about Sarah." Kenny says in defence.

"But- I thought you liked Morgan." I say shaking my head.

He chuckles, "As a friend, yeah."

"Oh." I say.

I thought Kenny had the hots for Morgan. But maybe that's me.

Sarah's POV

We finally get to the "house" that Morgan is living in for the summer, but it's more like a mansion.

As we step out of the limo Kenny, Jack, and Morgan help me carry my bags into the house. Jack opens the door for us to follow in.

I look around in awe, "woah."

"Just wait till you see my room." Morgan says chuckling as the the two boys smile.

We walk up a few stairs until we get to the kitchen.

"It's amazing." I say.

As I'm looking around, some guys come into the kitchen through a glass sliding door. One is Matt but when our eyes meet, he knows that it wouldn't be good if we were to be around each other and talk with all the other guys right now. So Matt just quickly makes his way up the stairs.

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