Chapter 28

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A/N: this beautiful edit was made by mandee143 !

Please feel free to make some edits and send them in to me. If you don't know where to send it in to, inbox me and we'll figure something out!

•Chapter 28•

Morgan's POV

Jack and I come home after searching for Lance, but there was no sign of him.

Jack and I pull into the driveway and I jump out of his Jeep.

"I'll be right in, Jack. I'm going to call my mom." I say. He nods and walks inside.

Before I get a chance to go onto my phone Nash and Cameron come running to me from the street.

"Morgan!" They yell, "you need to go out on the waves!" Nash yells.

"They're perfect for surfing today!" Cam smiles.

I laugh, "okay. I'll come out in a bit."

They nod and walk back to the beach. I try to go onto my phone again but this time Jack interrupts me.

"Morgan?" He says with a worried expression.

"Yeah?" I ask turning to him.

"I think you need to come inside." He says gulping deeply.

"Okay." I say weary. I lock my phone and start walking towards the front door where Jack is standing. We both walk in the house together and I see Hayes standing there and Sarah crying.

"What's going on?" I ask.

It's awkward. I haven't talked to Sarah since the other night but it feels like it's been decades.

I slowly walk up the small set of stairs to get to the dining room area where Hayes and Sarah are standing.

"Morgan-" Hayes says weakly, "something happened."

I look at him, "what happ-?" I pause looking at the body on the ground.

"This guy was looking for you and he seemed angry." Hayes says glancing down at the body.

Jack looks at me and I nod. He knows this is Bennett.

"Morgan," Hayes pauses, "who is this?"

"I- I don't know." I say, "let's sit you down." I say walking Hayes to the couch.

We get to the living room and I put a blanket over Hayes.

"Morgan." He says, "I'm scared."

"It's okay. Don't be scared." I say, "we'll get this guy out of here."

"No. I'm scared for you." Hayes says.

Those words just hit me. I suddenly feel frightened for myself too.

I hand him the remote and he turns the channel to SpongeBob.

I walk back to the kitchen and Jack and Sarah are talking.

"okay, he's still breathing so we're okay." Jack says relieved.

"what the hell happened?" I ask.

"Bennett had Hayes pinned up against the wall." She says looking down at the body, "I did what I had to do to help him."

"Wait, you know this guy?" Jack asks turning Sarah.

Sarah nods.

"Where's the other guys?" I ask.

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