chapter 10

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Morgan's POV

Me and Hayes are sitting outside on the lawn chairs just talking about our days.

"How was shopping?" Hayes asks me.

"It was great!" I reply.

He chuckles, "why? Because Jack bought you ice cream?"

I blush, "what! No!"

It was really sweet that we went and got ice cream together though.

"I'm pretty sure Gilinsky likes you."

"Yeah right." I say insecurely and look down.

"oh come on! You're smart, funny, and beautiful."

"Now you're just trying to cheer me up."

"Well, did it work?" He laughs.

I laugh, "no. It needs some work."

"I'm serious, though. Jack doesn't give his penny boards to anybody."

"Wait- how did you know that Jack gave me a penny board?" I ask.

"What? I- I just guessed."

"You're a pretty good guesser." I laugh.

"It's a gift." He laughs back.

I roll my eyes, "Hayes. Tell me how you knew he gave me a board."

He sighs, "okay, well, Gilinsky was saying-"

"Who did he tell?"

"He was telling Cam, and then Cam kind of yelled it out and all the guys started teasing him and he got all red, and told us to knock it off."

I mean, yeah, Jack is cool. But I don't think he likes me. I mean, this is Jack Gilinksy we're talking about. And I'm just.. Morgan Espinosa.

"I'm sure he didn't tell it to Cam as a crush story." I say reassuringly.

Hayes shrugs, "maybe not. But his face flushed red and that had crush written all over it." He laughs

I laugh along and nudge his arm with mine, "enough about me."

"Ahh! Come on. It's fun talking about you."

I roll my eyes, "what's new with you?"

Hayes runs his hand through his hair, scratches his neck and looks down. He only does this when he's nervous or hiding something.

"Uh, nothin." He replies.

"Are you sure?" I bug.

"Yeah. Positive." He nods.

"So, there's nothing new about you, or your friends, or anyone...?" I ask.

Shakes his head, "nope. Just the same old Hayes."

"Or say... Nicole-?" I tease.

Hayes puts his hand over my mouth, "shhhh!"

I giggle, "what's wrong?"

"Nash could hear you!"

I roll my eyes, "oh whatever. Just chill. So what's new with you and Nicole?"

"Well, I uh, I told her how I felt."

"Really!? That's great! How did it go?"

Hayes looks at me with his eyebrows up, "nu uh."

"What?" I ask.

"I'm not telling you."

"Why not! I'm like the older sister you never had!"

"Matt told me how you pry into people's lives.. especially their love lives."

"Oh come on, Hayes!"

He shakes his head in disagreement.

"Hayes, come on! I promise I won't pry."

He just smiles knowing he's not gonna budge.

I hold up my pinky, "pinky promise."

He laughs and rolls his eyes, "fine. But you can't tell anyone! Especially not Nash!" He says seriously.

I hold up hands up in surrendering form, "I promise!"

He sighs, "okay." He takes his pinky and wraps it around mine.

"So what happened!?" I ask excitedly.

"Well, she told me she felt the same way I did." He says looking down.

"She wants to go out with you!?" I ask with a smile.

He nods with a small smile, "yeah. She sure does."

"That's great!" I reply with more excitement in my voice than he does.

It was quite for a few seconds as I waited for him to reply to me or say something back.

"So... why aren't you as excited as I am?" I ask as my smile fades a little bit.

"What do you mean? I am." He replies.

"Hayes." I say seriously.

He shrugs, "I don't know."

I tilt my head, "Hayes? What's up?"

He shakes his head, "nothing."

"What? You don't like her anymore?" I ask concerned.

"What, of course I do." He says seriously.

"Then why are you being a downer-"

"because I'm nervous." He interrupts looking down.

I smile in awe, "Hayes. That's so cute."

"It can't be cute! I'm Hayes, I can't be nervous about a girl."

"Why not?"

"Because. I'm not like that." He looks down.

I slump on one foot, "Hayes, you really, really like her, don't you?"

He shrugs, "she's just another girl."

"But she's different. She's cooler, she's nicer, she's sweeter, she's more chill. She's different than all the rest of the girls that you go to school with, isn't she?"

He nods and smiles, "yeah."

"You're not used to having someone better than all the girls you know because you know she's different."

"It's just- I'm never nervous. Why am I now?"

I shrug, "I'm sorry. I don't have the answer to everything, kiddo."

"It's just, when I see her walking in the hallway, I try to act all cool but she just sends off that vibe that makes you feel like she's way out of your league. And when I see her laughing and smiling, I just want to talk to her. But we just text, and I'm too scared to talk to her at school."

"Then don't."

"Are you kidding!? She'd think I'm a wimp!"

"No! I mean, invite her on tour."


"Ask her to come to one of our events. Tell her she can even bring some of her friends to make it less awkward."

He nods, "that's genius."

"It's my specialty." I say smiling getting off my chair to walk inside.

"Can I just ask you something, Morgan?"

"Yeah. Shoot." I say.

"How'd you know that that's how I feel about Nicole and how she makes me feel?"

"I guessed." I mock.

"Well, you're a pretty good guesser." He mocks and we both laugh.

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