Chapter 26

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Lance Bennett.

•Chapter 26•

Morgan's POV

Lance Bennett is standing in front of me, and I didn't expect to see him in California. Not now; not ever. He's from my hometown back in Virginia. I don't know what he's going to say to me and honestly, I'm really nervous.

This thing with Bennett isn't good. And I can't tell anyone. It's complicated and I don't know how to explain it to anyone.

"We need to talk," Bennett says.

"I- I didn't expect to see you here." I say nervously.

"Neither did I but when someone owes me money, I get my money." He snarls.

"Listen, Bennett-"

He cuts me off, "no. You listen, Espinosa. I don't get that two grand by next week, you know what will happen to the other Espinosa-"

"I'll get you your money," I glare, "but you hurt my brother, and I'll hurt you."

"Big words for such a little girl."

I turn to him, "sorry, I forgot who I was talking to." I snicker.

"You have a beautiful home." He smirks, "it would be ashamed if you could no longer share it with your brother."

My face turns to disgust, "you were the one that was stalking me?" I pause, "you're the one who was looking through my window?"

"It's nice that you can put two and two together." He says.

"Well I'm sorry, I'll be sure to get you a pair of binoculars."

"And while you're at it, get me the two grand you owe me-"

"Then leave Matt out of it."

It was quiet.

"Why don't you just drop the attitude and start figuring out where you're going to get that money from." He says in a demanding tone.

"You mess with my family, you mess with me." I say walking away, "have a nice night, Bennett."

"You can count on that." He says walking the other way.

I walk home and when I get there, everyone is sleeping. I lock all the doors and climb into my bed. When I wake up, this whole Lance Bennett thing is creeping me out, and I know I should tell someone, just not Matt. But I know I can tell Jack.

I walk down the first floor and see him sitting out on the deck, scrolling through feeds on his phone. I walk out of the glass doors and sit down next to him.

"Hey." He says turning away from his phone, smiling at me.

"Hi." I say giving him a small smile.

It was quiet as Jack looked back to his phone.

"Is something wrong?" He asks.

"Jack? You know how you told me that I can come to you for anything?"

"yeah?" He nods.

"well," I say slowly, "I know who's stalking me."

"Wh- what?" He asks shocked.

"It's Lance Bennett."

"Who is that?" He asks confused and shaking his head, "and why is he stalking you?"

"Well, I owe him a little bit of money." I cringe.

His jaw drops, "what? How much do you owe him?"

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