Chapter 2

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{Matt's POV}

We land in Cali, and I see that Morgan is sleeping with her headphones on. So, I know just the way to wake her up. I turn her music all the way up until she jumps and pushes her headphones off.

"Matt, you jerk!!!" She screams and everyone looks at us.

I just laugh and we get off the plane. There are a few fans here in the airport that asked for a picture, and you know who are the real fans when they know who my sister is, so some of them asked for a picture with her too. We see a paper with the name Espinosa on it. We know that's the car the boys sent for us.

"This way," I say and point to our paper.

Someone steps out from behind the paper and its Carter.

"Dude!" I run up to carter and we do our handshake. I am so pumped to see carter! I haven't seen him since Christmas break and it's nice to be united again.

"Hey carter!" Morgan says and give carter a hug.

"Yo, it's been like forever since I last seen you guys!" Carter says.

"A little too long, bro," I reply. "So how is the house?"

"Agh! It's so sweet! We have a pool in the backyard, a basketball court, a fountain in the driveway, the beach is like literally 5 minutes away, and the house is huge! I don't know how Bart found it, but it's amazing!" Carter says enthusiastically.

"That's awesome, bro!" I say.

"Are all the guys there?" Morgan asks.

"All them except Cameron. He's coming later today."

"Alright, sweet. So we get our own rooms, right?" Morgan asks again.

"Yes, Morgeena." Carter says.

Me and Carter laugh.

{Morgan's POV}

When people call me that, it literally is the annoying thing ever! Like that's not my name, so don't call me that. I glare at carter and Matt.

"You know you love me," Carter says and pinches my cheeks.

Man oh man, if this is just the, beginning, I guess I am in for a lot more than I expected.

*at the new house*

All the boys are sitting around the pool.

"So Matt's sister is moving in with us?" Nash asks.

"Yeah." Taylor responds.

"I think I have seen her before on one of his vines." Aaron says unsurely.

"Yeah yeah! The girl that was singing and when she seen he was taking a video she pushed his phone away." Shawn says.

"She sure has a voice!" jack Johnson says.

"Hopefully she's cool." Jack Gilinsky says.

"Of course she's cool. She's related to Matt!" Aaron shouts.

All the boys laugh.

"But seriously. Matt's pretty awesome." Aaron reassures everyone.

"Yeah. He is a pretty cool guy." Nash says.

*Carter, Matt and Morgan arrive at the house*

{Morgan's POV}

We get out of the car, at the house is huge! It is a beautiful tan white color.

"Oh look Matt, the house matches your pants." I say jokingly pointing to his pants, then the house.

"They match all the guys pants!" Carter shouts.

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