Please here me out

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Lydias POV

3 Days later

I sit here in this hospital room conteplating whether i should fight for our love or just let it go. I miss him i miss his voice, his touch ,his smell i miss everything about him. i wish i go go back an tell him about the baby I wish I could taake it all back. Im so lost in my thoughts i don't see or hear anybody come into the room.

"You ready to go?" i snap my head up so quickly and jut stare at him because i know after he leaves i wont ever see him again. "Yea im ready to go." "I bought you a change of clothes i know you dont wanna leave here in the same clothes you lost our son in." He says with a pained look on his face. Corrie tosses me my clothes and I put them on as quickly as I can. A nurse comes in and has us sign the discharge papers. They wheel me out the hospital in a wheelcair they say its hospital policy  well the hospital policy can kiss my ass.

We get into his black range rover, the silence is too muh to bear so I let him know what's on my mind. "Corrie dont talk just hear me out I have alot to say. I love you so much and I'm sorry I didnt tell you about the baby but I had my reasons. One of my reasons being that we are in a lot of shit with your ex and her nigga, secondly we just got back together and i didn't know if we would break up again or not I wanted you to be with me because of me not because I was pregant with your child. And thirdly I was scared I was so fucking scared Corrie I'm scared right now because I know this is the end of us and it hurts so bad." He keeps his eyes on the road but I know he is pissed because the muscles in his jaw are clentched so tight. "Listen here Lydia I just need some time to think okay. I still love you but i can't trust you at the moment. My son was killed because of my problems. If you would of told me i could of took the right precautions to keep you and him safe, but that won't happen now because he's gone." HE has so much emotion and hurt in is voice and it's all because of me.

The car comes to a stop and I look out the window. Were not at my house were at his house. I look att him, "What am I doing here this isnt my house?" Your gonna be staying here until I get this messy ass sitation under control and until you get better, you always acting like a soldier but every soldier has to put there shield down once in a while." "Does this mean you'll give us another chance?" I say with hope in my voice. "Sweetheart every soldier has a shield and right now my shield is up high and strong, but like i said every soldier has to put there shield down." He says looking at my and giving me a little smile.



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