So much in common.

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Lydias POV

Omg I couldn't believe that Jason was sitting a few tables down from me with some hood rat. I breathed in and out slowly just stay calm I thought to myself.

I carried my eyes back to Corrie. He was staring directly at Jason with death in his eyes. If looks could kill Jason would be 6 feet under right now. "Corrie, What's wrong?" His eyes stayed focused on Jason. "That nigga over there he stole two million dollars from me and got me in trouble with alot of people he said. I already knew what he did for a living what type of attorney would I be if I didn't? "Why would Jason steal from you I asked. "Jason, he said in a questioning tone. It's like something clicked in his head because his eyes turned black and he clenched his jaw together tightly. "Jason is the man that cheated on you right?" "Yea you already know that. He had a evil smirk on his face is name is Rico Timbbs he said to me. My mouth opened agape. "So you know him?" Yea I know him and I'm going to kill him. My eyes got big they could of popped out of their sockets. "You can't kill him he has two kids. He snapped his eyes to me. "He's the one that stole from me, he's the one that set me up with the police, He's the one that tried to send somebody to kill me, that niggas is a dead man.I just nodded my head slowly I had to start thinking with my street mentality. "Okay I nodded my head slowly, what are we gonna do about it?" His eyes lit up as he stroked his chin like he had a idea. "If we do this you gotta at least give me a chance since I'm gonna be having a body on my hand. And imma let you Fuck him up real good until he's begs to die and that's where I come In at. I haven't felt this alive in a long time my hood ways were buried deep within me and now they were surfacing and they were surfacing fast. "I nodded my head slowly, "I think I'm going to give "Jason" a call when I get home and see if he want to hook up." I say. His eyes held a strong gleam in them just like the gleam my dad had when he looked at my mom. They were the Bonnie and Clyde of there days. My mom and dad took over and ran an empire. However it came to a bad end and they are doing time a lot of time. My dad left me money telling me to make my life better and become successful. The streets run through my blood and I think it's about time I use the ruthlessness my daddy taught me growing up.

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