Time to Pay

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Corrie POV

So much has happened in so little time. I lost a son I lost a best friend I can’t trust my girl and I just can’t think straight anymore. Don’t get me wrong I love Lydia a lot but I just don’t think she’s the one for me. She lied to me if she wouldn’t have lied I could of made the proper safety precautions so she or my son wouldn’t of gotten hurt. Lydia says she scared to lose me but she has a funny way of showing it. I look at her laying on the couch she looks so fragile like she could break. This isn’t the Lydia I met. She has battle scars and her hair it’s matted. Even though she looks worn out she still looks beautiful. RING, I pull my phone out of my pocket and see that it is one of my workers calling me. “Speak.” “Boss we got some good news we have found a location on Paulio and that bitch.” What do you want us to do? “Send me the location and have 10 niggas strapped up, Paulio might have a mini army waiting for us.” Go It.” He says and hangs up.

***20 minutes later***                                

I hop out of the car and see the other part of my killas waiting on me. I approach them everybody included me has on bullet proof vest and all black attire to match, on our hips we have are choice of guns and on our back we have our choice of big boy guns we want to kill with.

“Okay yall 3 of yall go through the back I need 3 to approach through separate windows and the rest of us will go in through the front. I need all of you to be on stealth mode. We are shooting to kill if any of yall see Paulio and that bitch shoot to injure them. Are we clear?” “Yes Sir.” Well lets gets down to business I think in my head we separate into our separate groups. Me and my men have the front Its dark out so I activate my night goggles and once inside I plan to turn the power off all my men have night vision goggles. My 2 men with me take out the two body guard by slicing their throats ASAP, we enter into their trap and I make my way downstairs. Once I locate the power box I switch it off. The only sound in the air is gun shots and screaming just what I wanted to hear. “Boss we got them, third room upstairs on the left we have gotten all these men down, copy.” “copy.” I make my way upstairs so fast you would think that they were giving away free Popeye’s. I bust through the door my veins are filled with adrenaline. I see paulio on the ground holding his stomach and I see that bitch next to him bleeding out her arm and leg. “Grab these bitches and hog tie them and put them in the trunk.” Take them to the torture spot.” In response I get a head nod.

I sit in one of the truck and dial Lydia’s Number. On the third ring she picks up. “Hello,” she says her voice heavy with sleep. “Ma I got them imam pull up on you and we gonna head over to them.” I hear her shuffling around in the back ground most likely throwing on her clothes. Okay baby imma be ready in 10 minutes.” She says however this time the sleep is gone entirely out of her voice.” I hang up the phone and start on my journey to go and get her. Together we gonna make these two bitches pay for what they did.


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