Chapter 30

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Alex's POV

Today, my parents are coming home! Finally!  I have missed them so much!

Anyways, at the moment Nate and I are in our child development class. We are supposed to be starting a new project today. I'm kind of excited!

"Alright class, Today we are starting a new project." Our teacher, Mrs. Lopez said.

"For this project, I will be partnering you guys up and you and your partner will pick someone out of a group of foster kids and you will home them for a month." She continued, "This will be to show you how hard it is to take care of one of you teenagers."

"Okay, Joseph and Jessica." I kind of zoned out after that until I heard my name.

"And Alex with Nate."she said while getting some papers in order.

"Alright guys, I'm going to come around and hand you the profile of who will be living with you for a month. In the mean time, go sit with your partner and get to know them if you don't already." She said while starting to pass out profiles.

We were sitting in the back of the class so it took her a while to get to us.

"Alrighty kids, you two are going to have Stepanie (picture on the side)." She said and handed me the profile.

She was about 5'2 and she had dyed red hair. She looked about 14 year's old. It didn't have anything about her personality in it, only her allergies (she didn't have any), her height, and just the basics.

"Class, you will pick up your 'children'  after school today." Just then the bell rang for lunch. Ugh!  I still have half a day until I can meet my 'child'. I can't wait to meet her!

**************After school******************

Nate and I pulled up to the Sunnyside Orphanage. Despite its name, it was very sad looking. We walked inside,  and there were kids running everywhere. I guess that's to be expected, though.

"Hi, how can I help you? " An older lady asked.

"Hi, we are here for school." Nate said.

"Ah yes! I think it's wonderful that they have you kids do this. Can I have the porfolio they gave you?" She asked holding out her hand. I handed her Stephanie's portfolio.

"Ah yes. You'll like Stephanie." She said while walking up stairs.

"Hold on while I get her. In the mean time, you can go sit on the couch." She said. She came down a little while later with someone who was obviously Stephanie.

"Alright here you go kids. Bye Stepanie have fun! And you take good care of her you two." She said pointing her finger at us and waving to Stephanie.

"We will don't worry. Thank you!" Nate and I said at the same time. We walked to the car and out all of Stephanie things in the back of the car and then got in ourselves.

"Hey Stephanie, I'm Alex and this is Nate. We will be your 'parents' for a month." I said while sticking out my hand.

"Hi guys! I'm so excited! Its like an adventure!" She said kind of fast.

"Me too!" I can't wait!" I said starting to get hyper!

"Anyways, you'll be living with me because I have more room and Nate has a little brother who is a bit of a perv." I said.

"Okay. " She said while looking through her bag.

We finally make it to my house, and I see an extra car in my drive way. That can only mean one thing. I get out of the car as fast as I can and sprinter I the door with Nate and Stephanie following behind me at a slower pace. I finally get the door open and I run into the living room and there are my parents on the couch watching tv. I run and jump on the couch, landing on both of them.

"I'm so happy that you guys are back!"I yell while hugging them.

"We missed you too, but you wanna tell us who is in our house?" My mom said. I must have looked confused because my mom started laughing and pointed behind me. I looked and jumped up. How could I forget about Nate and Stephanie?

"Oh yeah!  Mom and dad this is Nate. He's a new friend I met when he transferred to my school. And this is Stephanie, me and Nate's 'kid'." I said introducing them.

"Why the quotation marks?" My dad asked.

"Oh. She's not really my kid." I said.

"Yeah, We got that hunny." My mom said patting my head.

"Oh, sorry. Me and Nate are partners in our Child development class. And we just got a new project, which is to house a foster child for a month." I said looking to both of my parents.

"Oh, well then why didn't you get a baby or toddler?" My mom km asked.

"Because our teacher wanted us to know what it is like to raise a teenager." I said.

"Oh, well alright. Welcome to the family Stephanie!" My mom and dad said as they walked up the stairs.

"Okay Stephanie. Lets show you your room!" I said while running up stairs. I got there and looked behind me to see that Stephanie and Nate were pretty close behind.

"Here's your room. I know it's kind of boring, but we can go to the store and get some things to liven it up!" I said.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you!" Stephanie said while running over to hug Nate and I.

I'm excited for this month to get to know her better.


Thanks guys for all the support. And pic on the side is Stephanie.

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