Chapter 32

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Alright guys the ending to that last chapter was a total lie. Alex doesn't die. I was dared to put that and I wanted to see your guys reactions. So here is the real ending or rest of that chapter...

Nate's POV

We swam around for what seemed like hours. After a while of just Kayla, Alex and I swimming, Ben and Stephanie joined in. We had a blast, but like all good things it had to come to an end. Ben and I had to make it home in time for dinner.

As we were leaving, we bumped into the last person I. Ever wanted to see again. Damien. God, I can't stand this prick!

"Well look who we have here." Damien said eying Alex. Oh hell no! She is mine! I mean she doesn't know I like her yet, but details. Minor.

"What the fuck do you want now Damien." Kayla all but growled. Damn she is scary when she wants to be. Damien didn't seem at all fazed by it though.

"What? I just wanted to talk to my good friend Alex. I feel like we haven't talked or seen each other in like forever. I was starting to think you were avoiding me. and I missed you." He said innocently. Oh please.

"Damien. What the fuck do you want with me?" Alex said completely stone faced. Shit. That's scarier than Kayla yelling.

"But what ever do you mean? I only came to talk. And I think you know why I want to talk." He said while giving her a smirk. This however still didn't faze her either. She still say there completely stone faced.

"I think you and I need to have chat alone." Alex said. Well fine then. I can see when I'm not wanted.

Alex's POV

I can't believe that this guy can not get a hint and leave me the fuck alone. So, I think it's time to take a different approach. Here goes nothing.

"So, Alex. I think I know why you said you wanted to "talk" to me alone.." Damien said giving me a suggestive smirk. Ew!

"Damien. Cut the crap. I know this is all a big cover up. I know you don't have feelings for me any more. And I know you know that I don't like you anymore." I said hoping I was right.

"But why not? I'm the total package." Damien said. I would have rolled my eyes if it weren't for the complete truth in his eyes. He really was confused.

"Damien. You cheated on me."

"And I'm really sorry." He said.

"How do I believe you. And why did you do it in the first place?" I asked. In all honesty I was over him cheating on me. I like someone else anyways.

"Honestly, I don't know. And I know that no matter what I say will ever make up or excuse what I did to you, but I am truly and completely sorry for all that I did to you and all the pain that I caused." Damien said completely convincing and I believed him. It astounded me to say the least however.

"How long have you come to this conclusion?" I asked.

"About a month after I did it. At first, I didn't think that I did anything wrong. I thought that you were just overreacting. And then, I had to hit myself a couple of times because I then realized, there is joe possible way that you or anyone would ever be okay with cheating and no one deserves to be cheated on. Plus, my mom refused to talk to me until I realized that I was being a dipshit." He said with a half smirk. I do remember, from when we were dating, that him and his mom were extremely close. They were like best friends, which I had found adorable. His dad had left them when Damien was about four, claiming that he was too young to raise a child. Which, I had to agree with, his mom was only 17 when she had Damien. But, I still don't think he should have left them.

"But, if that was when you figured out you were wrong, why didn't you tell me sooner? And why did you keep up the cocky attitude and torment me?" I asked.

"Well, I had a reputation that I thought I had to withhold. I was nervous that everyone was going to think I went soft and wouldn't respect me anymore. And I'm still nervous." He said while looking down.

"Well.... I forgive you. I can tell that you are sincere and that it really hurt you."i said, "but only if you promise to never do it again and promise to leave me alone. We can still be friends, if you want, but you have to change your behavior. I like the sweet Damien. The real Damien. I bet girls will like the real Damien way better that soccer Damien." I said while giving him a hug. He hugged me back.

"Thank you Alex. I don't know what I would have done if you hated me for the rest of my life and I would love to be your friend and I won't do this ever again." He said while smiling a genuine smile. That I hadn't seen since we were dating.

"And?" I asked. I really hope that he will try to be the real Damien at school.

"I don't know Alex. I'm scared. What if everyone hates me. What if they think I'm a wuss?" Damien said once again looking down.

"Damien, I can guarantee that you will have apt more respect from everyone at school if you be you. The one you are with your mom. I know for a fact that that's the real you. Don't you get tired of pretending to be a douche?" I said hoping I finally got through to him.

"Yeah. I guess your right. I Damien, vow from this day forward to be the real me and not to harm another person unless in the field and by accident." He said fake saluting. He looked at me and dusted up laughing as well as I did.

"So, any guys you crushing on?" Damien said with a wink. I blushed immediately thinking of Nate.

"And why would I tell you?" I asked hoping to get him off my track.

"Because we are now best friends." He said putting his hands in his hips.

"I don't think Kayla will like that." I said trying to stifle my laughter.

"Eh." He said shrugging. Oh god.

Nate's POV

"What is taking them so long? What could they possibly be talking out that is taking this long?" I yelled as I paced in front of everyone. Kayla raised her eye brow about to ask me why I was freaking out, but luckily before she could Alex and Damien were walking up to us. I wonder how there talk went?

"Kayla, Damien and I need to speak with you for a second." Alex said while grabbing her arm and going back to where they were before.

Really?!? Again?! Why can't I be included in anything? I'm important too!!

Picture of Hayes Grier on the top. Just cuz he's pretty and his birthday was on the 8th (which is a day after mine) vote if you love him or if you just like my writing! And sorry I made you guys wait so long! Oh and if you guys could comment questions on my bio book that would be awesome. I will answer any questions you have.

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