Chapter 23

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Alex's POV

So we wanted to wait until the weekend to start this 'band'. So here I am, on a Saturday, waiting with Kayla for Nate to get his ass here. It's nearly an hour after we said we would meet up!



Kayla and I both raced to et to the door first. I ended up getting there first, but was pushed to the ground by Kayla. She threw open the door as I laid there.

"Oh. Hey Nate." Kayla said as she opened the door.

"Hey. Where's Alex?" I could hear him ask.

"Oh. You know. Around somewhere." she said. And I could just hear her smirk. That little bitch.

"I'm here!" I yelled from the floor.

"Oh. Hey Alex. What are you doing on the floor?" Kayla asked, trying to contain her giggles.

"Yeah. What the hell are you doing on the floor?" Nate asked giving me a weird look. Psh!! he acts like he has never seen someone hugging the floor before. And he says in the weird one. Yeah right.

"Oh, you know. The floor looked sad. So I was giving it a hug. Apparently the wall broke up with him. She's a bitch you know." I said in all seriousness.

"Well okay then. Let's head down to the basement that is where Alex has her recording studio slash music room. It's pretty cool." Kayla said as she led us to my basement.

Nate's POV

We finally got to Alex's basement. And man was it cool! it had a little sitting area, where we could practice and write music. It also had a recording studio like Kayla said.

"Okay. Let's get things started!" Kayla said clapping her hands together. Who made her in charge?

"Okay. Well I brought my beats. My mom grows the best!!" I said taking out the bag of vegetables I had brought. In all honesty, I don't know what the hell they had to do with the band. But they said to bring them so whatever.

All the sudden, they both start hysterically laughing. What the hell?

"What? Why are you laughing?" I ask.

"Why the hell did you bring vegetables? what the hell does that have to do with you being in the band and being the drummer?" Alex says still laughing.

"I don't know, but I thought that's what you guys said to bring?" I ask totally confused.

"No! We meant bring your beats as in drummer beats!" Kayla said.

"Does that mean you don't know how to play the drums? Because that would suck." Kayla ask totally serious now.

"Of course I can play the drums." I said totally flabbergasted. Who do they think I am? I'm Nate. I can do anything.

"Oh thank god!" I was scared thee for a second!" Kayla said practically yelling. I laughed shaking my head. Her and her dramatic ways.

I looked over at Alex and I could tell she was silently laughing as well. Well, let's get this show on the road.

Hey guys!! Thanks for all the support. And I'm so so so sorry it took me so long to come out with this chapter!

Anyways don't forget to





I really appreciate it.

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