Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

School was a drag, Like always. But, luckily I had made it through alive and without seeing 'him'! Hallelujah!!

Now, I was walking to Kayla's house. 'I wonder what she has planned?' I thought as I walked up to her doorstep. I rang the door bell and heard pounding footsteps, coming from upstairs.

Kayla's house is a big two story house. It was quite beautiful, I must say. It was all white but had green vines coming up it. She had a big drive way too.

Kayla opened the door quite dramatically. I was amused. She looked flustered.

"What happened?" I exclaimed. She didn't answer, she just grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs.

"Wait! what are you-" I didn't get to finish before I was pushed in to her bathroom with a pair of clothes in my hand.

"Here try these on." She said while closing the door. We'll fine then. No, 'hello' or 'how you doin?' whatever.

I looked at the clothes she handed me. What the heck? they were skin tight jeans, a white tank-top, a black leather jacket, and a pair of black combat boots. I'll admit that they were cute, but they weren't me!

I walked out of the bathroom seeing Kayla laying on her bed playing on her phone.

"What the hell is this!"I exclaimed.

She gave me a sheepish grin. "Well I figured you could fix your look. I don't mean to be rude, but you have a horrible sense of style!"

"What are you talking about? I like my style!"

"I don't know, I like the new you."

"I guess it's not that bad. I could try and try it out?"

"That's the spirit"she exclaimed while handing me a bunch of bags filled with clothes.

I gave her a questioning look, while she gave me a sheepish one. "Well you see, I kind of hoped you would say yes. So I may have went out shopping and already bought you a bunch of new clothes."

I just stared at her dumbfounded. I have one crazy friend!

"Ok. We'll since I'm here, what do you want to do?" I asked sitting on her bed.

"Let's watch a movie!" she exclaimed, running downstairs into her living room. Laughing, I followed her downstairs. Walking into her living room I saw Kayla sitting in front of all her movies, trying to decide which one to watch.

"Which would you rather watch?"she asked while holding up The Host and Safe Haven.

"I want to watch Safe Haven." I said pointing to the one in her right hand.

"YAY! Me to!" she exclaimed while putting the movie on the DVD player.

After she put the movie in, she jumped on the couch right next to me and pulled the blanket on us both. We both snuggled in to the blanket and started watching the movie.


Here you go guys another chapter FINISHED!! thanks for all the reads.

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Ok thanks again. 😇😄😃😃

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