Chapter 31

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Alex's POV

So, today Kayla decided that my "new look" doesn't suit me. So now Kayla, Nate, Stephanie, and I are in our way to the salon to "fix" my look, again. We are also dying Stephanie hair a little more red because her last job is starting to fade. At the moment we are in the car in our way to the salon.

"Okay guys, we are here!" Kayla says while getting out of the car.

"Lets do this!" Nate says while fist pumping.

We walk into the salon and the Kayla yells out someone's name. Whose name? I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. Whoever Kayla called out to walked out and start talking to Kayla. I'm assuming (which is never good. "To assume is to make an ass out of you and me.") that they were discussing my new hair style, which I still don't know yet.

"Alright Alex, this is Joanne and she is going to do your hair. She already knows what I want her to do. So, just sit back and relax." Kayla says, "Oh, and Stephanie, Drea will dye your hair in that chair over there." Kayla says to Stephanie while pointing to a chair a ways away from mine.

30 minutes later my hair, as well as Stephanie's, was cut and dyed. I wasn't aloud to look into the mirror until it was over.

"Are you ready to see it?" Drea asked as she took off the cloak they make you wear. I don't know what you call them.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said as she turned me around. HOLY SHIT! I look awesome. Kayla was right, this look suits me way better!

"Wow! I love it! Thank you so much!" I said while jumping up to giver her a hug.

"Awe. Don't worry about it." she said while putting all her stuff away.

"Alright Alex we have one more place to go to." Kayla said as we were walking out of the salon.

"Okay. Where?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it" Alright. That's totally not suspicious at all! We had finally gotten to where ever the hell we were going.

"A tattoo and piercing place?" I asked turning to Kayla.

"How do you feel about getting your nose pierced?" Kayla asked while walking into the place called "Cold Steel".

"I mean I have always wanted to, but won't it hurt?" I was kinda nervous. I don't do well with needles.

"Oh, you'll be fine! Don't be such a baby!" Kayla said while she pulled me to the front desk. "Hello. My friend here would like to get her nose pierced." Kayla said to the woman working behind the counter.

"Oh okay. How about you choose, out of these nose studs, which one you want. While I go get all the information." she said showing me the studs and running off to the back somewhere.

"I like this one." Stephanie said pointing to a black one.

"Me too!" Kayla said.

"Alright! Have you chosen which one you want?" The lady asked coming back with a pamphlet in her hand.

"Uh.. yes. I would like this black one right here." I said pointing to the one Stephanie pointed out.

"Okay. If you will come to the back so I can explain the care and we can do the piercing." She said while walking in a hallway and in a door. Where she explained the care of my nose piercing and explained what it felt like.

"Okay. I need to to lay down and we will get started. " She said will starting to clean of everything that she away going to use, even though she go new tools.

"Okay. On the count of three. One ... two..... three ." and she pushed it in. It hurt just like she explained, like five of my nose hairs being pulled out at the same time.

"Alright. All done! If I could have you come to the front and pay." she said throwing every thing away.

We paid and left. Today was fun, but fuck my nose hurts!

Hey guys! Sorry for making you wait so long.
The pic on the side is the new and improved Alex!

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