Chapter 27

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Alex's POV

Yesterday was awesome! We had a picnic, went out for ice cream, and went swimming! It was awesome, the only bad part was that we saw Damien, so we had to move to the other side of the beach. All was good after that though.

Today, however, I am not having fun! You wanna know why? It's because I was woken up at 4 o' clock in the morning. ON A SUNDAY! Can you believe that? At 4 o' clock this morning, Kayla and Nate barged into my room and woke me up! For what? You might ask. Well, apparently having the look doesn't make you a badass. Psh! Since when!

Anyways, apparently its not enough to act the part, I have to be the part. So, they are taking me to the gym to strengthen me up, or something like that. I don't really remember, I'm still half asleep.

We finally arrived! After like 40 minutes, and  they wouldn't even let me sleep! Bastards! Ugh! Now, I have to work out. I hate it.

              3 hours later

Ugh! We have been working out for forever. Nate had me do 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes in the bike machine. Then, he had me do an hour of weights and stuff like that. Then, we did an hour of kickboxing. Now, I'm sweating like a pig. It's nasty!

"Now that we are done can we go get food?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah. Sounds good to me. Where do you want to go?" Nate asked because Kayla was to busy on her phone. That bitch. She sat there the whole time on her phone, while.I worked my ass off!

"I don't care. I just want a burger and fries." I said.

"Oh! Lets go to Red Robin!" Kayla said finally joining in on the conversation.

"Sounds fine to me." I said as we walked out of the gym. I will forever hate that place now!

Now, off to my favorite place. A place that has food!


Hey guys. Sorry it took me so long. And I know that like none of you guys read these so I'll keep it short.

Thanks for all the support and reads and votes and comments and stuff.

Keep it up and FOLLOW me as well. Thanks!

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