Chapter 13

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Alex's POV

Yay! It's now Monday! (note the sarcasm). Although, I am slightly happy to go today. Only because Nate will be there today. He seems pretty good friend material. So I figured I would give it a shot.

So, when my alarm went off this morning I sprang out of bed and got into the shower. After I got out of the shower and dried off. I walked into my closest to look for something to wear. Hmmm? I think I will wear my denim short-shorts, with a blue long sleeve shirt, my leather jacket, and drum roll please. MY COMBAT BOOTS.

I put on all my clothes and went to my vanity to do my hair and makeup. For my hair, I just straightened it. And for makeup, I put mascara, eyeliner and some lip gloss.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a pop-tart out of the cabinet and started eating while I waited for Kayla to pick me up.

By the time I finished my pop-tart, Kayla was outside honking her horn. I threw my garbage in the trash and grabbed my bag and walked out of my house and locked the door on my way out. I got into Kayla's car and we drove to school.

We got there like 10 minutes later. The school was practically empty because we got there early. So Kayla and I went and just walked around. After about 15 minutes later the school started to get busier. And that's when I saw Nate. He was headed towards the office.

"And he was like totally-" I cut off whatever Kayla was saying and grabbed her hand and started running towards the office. I stopped right in front of Nate, thankfully I didn't run into him.

"Hey." he said giving me an amused look. Pretty much telling me that he saw me run over here.

"Hi!" I exclaimed back.

"Oh hey. I remember you!" This time directly at Kayla.

"You do? because I don't remember ever meeting you. Sorry." she asked kinda confused.

"Yeah. Your the girl who was drunk off her ass, and I had to help you in the car." He replied with a little chuckle. Kayla blushed and ducked her head.

"Yeah. This is Kayla. Kayla this is Nate." I introduced them with their names this time.

"Nice to officially meet you." Nate said to Kayla.

"You too." Replied Kayla. Still a little embarrassed.

"So, watcha doin?" I asked.

"Just going to the office to get my schedule, locker, and locker combination." He replied nonchalantly.

"Ok. We can help you once you get them. If you want?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sure. Thanks. I'll be right back." He said already heading into the office. All the sudden I felt a slap on my face. And it was hard.

"Ow. What the hell was that for!?" I asked holding my cheek.

"For not telling me you had a crush on him!" she exclaimed waving her hands in the air.

"Well sorry. The only time I actually remembered was when you were so drunk that you couldn't even stand up straight!" I yelled back at her.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry. But you still could have told me." She said while pouting. Just then Nate walked out of the office and saw what state we were in. Me with a big red hand print on my face and Kayla still pouting.

"What happened here?" he asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

"NOTHING!" Kayla and I yelled at the same time.

"Ok then. Shall we go?" he asked.

"Yeah. Let me see your schedule." I said as I took it.

"You, my friend are very lucky." I said with a smirk.

"Why?" he asked totally lost.

"Because you have all the same classes as Kayla and I." I said with yet another smirk.

"Oh man! I was hoping to get away from you guys!" he said with an annoyed face. My smirk fell.

"Just kidding! Now let's go!" he yelled while laughing at Kayla and I's confused faces.

We just looked at each other and started laughing. Then we hurried and followed Nate after we realized that he does not know where to go.

Today was defiantly going to be fun.


He guys I appreciate all the reads. I HAVE OVER 700!

And sorry if this chapter is kinda on the sucky side. I'm kinda sick.

Anyways. Sorry for the late update. Everything has been a little busy with Christmas and all.

Thanks again😘


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