Chapter 24

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Alex's POV

We have been practicing for over four hours now, and Kayla won't let Nate and I have something to eat. We were so hungry earlier that we even ate the beets that Nate brought. They were surprisingly delicious.

"Can we stop now?" Nate and I both yelled at Kayla.

"No. We need to go over it again!" Kayla being the bossy bitch she is, yelled at us.

"Ugh!!" Nate and I both groaned as we dramatically fell to the ground and pretended to die. We are awesome like that.

"Oh give it up you big babies!"


"Hell no. Now, SHUT UP!!"

"Jeez. Calm down. No need to get aggravated."

"Yeah. Calm down woman. Anyways, can we go and watch a movie?"





"I swear if you saw please one more time I will scream!!"


"Okay. So-"



"Yay! thanks. See that wasn't so hard was it?"

"Just go."

Nate and I hightailed it out of there as fast as we could, while laughing our asses off.

"Man! I can't believe that worked!" Nate cheered as we high fived.

"Told you it would." I said. See, when Kayla went to the bathroom we had to devise a plan so we could leave and that was all we could think of.

"Okay. So what should we watch" Nate asked as we walked into the living room.

"Let's watch-"

"And don't you dare say Frozen!" U was cut off by Nate.

"Psh! I wasn't going to say that!" I totally lied. I love Frozen and he knows that.

"Oh yeah? Then what were you going to say?" That bastard he knew me too well.

"Um... I was going to say.... High School Musical!!" Yeah, let's go with that.

"But that's even worse!" Nate groaned. Baby.

"You said no Frozen. You didn't say anything about High School Musical. And don't lie, I know you love it. And just for you we can watch all three, I have them all." I said will trying to hide my laugh.

"Fine!" He said while sitting back and pouting. Awe! He looked to cute when pout- wait what? Psh! Nate isn't cute. What am I thinking.

"Can I make popcorn?" I was broken out of my thoughts by Nate.

"What? Oh yeah sure. Get some candy too. Thanks." I yelled as I watched the previews.

Well this is going to be fun. I haven't watched this movie in forever!!

Hey guys thanks for all the support. I really appreciate it. 40 votes and 30 comments before next update. I know you can do it. I have faith in you!






Thanks again guys!!

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