Chapter 18

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Damien's POV

I really needed to talk to Alex. So I figured I would just sit at her table. It's the only way to get her attention. As I sit down I look over at my table and see my friends looking over at me with questioning stares. I just shrug and wave them over.

When all my friends are successfully seated, we all start to eat. I'm about to dig into my food when I hear a throat clearing. I look up and put on the most innocent look I can muster.

"May I help you?" I asked innocently.

"Get out of my seat!" She looked down at me glaring.

"Why don't you just sit with us, princess?" I asked laughing.

"UGH!!" She screamed.

Alex's POV

"UGH!!!!" I couldn't help but scream. He is so annoying.

"Aww I'm not that bad!" he said with a fake pout.

"Whatever." I said as I started to walk away. Nate and Kayla following me.

"Wait. I need to talk to you." He said as he got up from the table.

"Ok. Shoot." I said.

"Alone. " He finished.

Nate and Kayla looked at me concerned, but I just shook my head and told them to wait for me. Damien and I walked outside into the courtyard.

"Ok. So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked turning to face him.

" Well, I wanted to know if you and Nathan were going out?" he asked with a face void of emotion.

"It's Nate. And why do you care?" I asked starting to get irritated.

"Well. I don't like people stealing what's mine." he said.

"What do you mean 'yours'. I'm not anyone's especially not yours!!" I almost yelled, but held back my temper.

"Yes. You. Are." He said with a some what of a scowl. What does he have to scowl about? He's the one who broke up with me!!

"You have no right to say we are still together. You lost that privilege a long time ago." I said menacingly.

"I don't know what your even talking about. What did I do?" he questioned.

"Ha! What did you do? Let me think.... What didn't you do," I say as my temper slips, "Was it you or someone else you dumped me. And only went out with me in the first place because of a bet you and some of you asshole friends had!!!" I yelled as my temper left me completely.

"Look. I'm sorry okay. What else do you want me to say?" he asked incredulously.

"I DONT KNOW. WHY DONT YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!! IM TIRED OF YOUR BULLSHIT!! Jus leave me alone." I said as I walked away leaving him stunned.

Damien's POV

This is going to be a lot harder than I thought. She definitely grew a pair in the time we have been apart.

Alex's POV

As I walked into the cafeteria, I spotted Kayla and Nate at our normal table. The buttmunches must have left. Good. I must have looked pretty mad because when I sat down Kayla gave me a concerned look and asked if I was ok. I just told her to forget about it and that I'll tell her later.

Gosh! That dickhead annoys the shit out of me!!


Sorry it took me so long to update. And I really appreciate all the support. KEEP IT UP!!
Anyways don't forget to:


Damien on the side!

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