Chapter 34

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Alex's POV

'Not a girl?' I thought totally confused. If Carter wasn't a girl....that would mean that she is a he. Wait... Damien is..... Gay?

OH MY GOSH!!!! IVE ALWAYS WANTED A GBF!!!!!! ( love this movie by the way)I can't believe it. After 17 years of waiting I finally have a chance to have one!

I jump and hug him. At first he is stunned but he slowly hugged me back.

"So, you aren't mad at me?" He asked kind of nervously as we got out of our hug.

"I mean, I mad you didn't tell me but I understand." I said to him

"Oh thank gosh! I was scared that you would hate me forever." He said with a sigh.

"I might have if I didn't know the truth. But now that I know I understand. So, when do I get to meet Carter?" I asked.

"I don't know actually. I have to tell him that I finally told you." He said while scratching the back of his head.

"Okay, well I have to go. Tell me when we can all hang out and when I can meet Carter!" I said while walking away.

***************30 minutes later*****

I finally got home and Nate, Kayla and Stephanie were inside the living room watching tv. When they heard me open the sort they all ran up to me and asked what he had to say.

So, I explained what happened and Stephanie and Kayla started squealing and jumping up and down.

"Um.... Alex can I speak with you?" Nate asked me looking kind of nervous. Weird. What would he have to be nervous about.

"Yeah sure." I say. But by this time, Kayla and Stephanie had stopped fangirling and we're now listening intently to what we were talking about.

"Um... Alone please." He said.

"Oh okay. Let's go outside then." I said while I started to walk outside.

When we finally got outside in the backyard I waited for Nate to start talking, but he was taking a while.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked starting to get impatient.

"Um.. I was wondering if, you see I... Ugh iwaswonderingifyouwouldliketogoinadatewithme." Nate said super fast and all mushed together.

"What? I have no idea what you just said." I said confused.

"Um, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?"

Well shit I was not expecting that.

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