Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

God! I love this movie! We had just finished the movie and were now sitting on her couch looking at the credits that rolled down the screen.

"Hey. Can I spend the night?" I asked looking out her window. It was already dark out.

"Yeah. Sure." Kayla replied.

"Thanks." I replied as I got my phone out and texted my mom telling her not to worry because I was staying at Kayla's house. She replied with a ' Ok sweetie. Have fun.'

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked over at Kayla, who at the moment was looking for another movie.

Once she found a movie and put it in she came back and sat next to me. She grabbed another blanket off the side of her couch and snuggled into it because it had gotten pretty cold.

"What are we watching?" I asked looking over at her confused. I watched as her face suddenly started to get really happy and I knew why. So, like normal people we both screamed:


This was me and Kayla's favorite movie. You see, me and Kayla May seem mature but we are far from it. One of the childish things about us is that we both LOVE children's movies.

That's how we spent the rest of the day and weekend, watching kids movies and eating junk food. I had texted my mom Saturday night and asked if I could stay the whole weekend. She replied with a 'sure and you really don't need to ask considering we aren't home and we trust you." Her typical 'we trust you' speach.

-----------------------------Monday morning----------------

It was currently 6 o'clock in the morning. Kayla woke me up saying she needed time to work on her master piece, me.

So here I was, in the shower,half asleep and trying not to fall on my face while trying to wash my hair. Because Kayla, as soon as she woke me up, pushed me in the bathroom.

I got out of the shower, when I was done of course, and wrapped my hair and body in a towel. As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom I was pushed back into it with an outfit from yesterday. Black skin tight jeans, black combat boots, white tank-top, and a black leather jacket.

I got to admit, it was a nice outfit. Plus, I felt like such a badass wearing it. I walked out of the bathroom and was immediately taken to Kayla's vanity, where she plopped me down on the chair that was right in front.

Kayla got out her makeup and started applying it to my face. She did a beautiful smokey eye with some eyeliner and put a light blush to my cheeks. She then put some light lip stick on.

"Ok. Let's go! Or we will be late for school!" Kayla exclaimed.

"Ok. I'm coming! Calm your tits, woman!" I exclaimed exasperated. She was dragging me downstairs and out the door with our bags in our hands.


She pushed me into her Honda. And jumped in on the drivers side. And drove away.

We were at school in record time, thanks to the crazy bitch I call a best friend. I am amazed at how she can drive so fast and NOT get caught.

As soon as she parked her car me and her booked it to the school gates. But luck was not on my side, today.

Right as I was about to go in the school gates, I bumped on to someone.

"Oh. Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I exclaimed to the unknown person.

"Oh. It's quite all right, babe." That voice! I know that voice! my head shot up and what do you know it's HIM!!



Hey guys. Sorry it took so long. I had a bit of writers block. We'll I hope you liked it. And I wanted to thank all the people reading my book, it means a lot.




And READ!😜

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