Chapter 6

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Damien's POV

The whole day I couldn't think about anything except that stupid bitch that embarrassed me earlier.y friends won't leave me alone about it either. All I know is that, that bitch is going to get it.

It is currently lunch. And I'm here sitting at my popular table with my friends and the cheerleaders. My friends were telling one of their 'legendary' stories to the cheerleaders, but I wasn't paying attention. I was looking for the chick.

I saw her being dragged into the cafeteria by, who I'm guessing was her friend. I just say there staring in amusement as she got dragged everywhere.

Alex's POV

Yes! lunch!!

I walked out of my class and found Kayla waiting for me. 'Uh oh. This can't be good. She never waits for me.' I thought to my self as I walked up to her.

"Hey Kayla." I said nervously.

"Hey. So here's the deal. We are actually going to sit in the cafeteria today!" she said excitedly.

"Oh no! We are not!" I exclaimed as I tried to bolt the other way. Key word TRIED because as soon as I turned the corner I was pulled back by my backpack. I was kicking and flailing and just trying to get away, but to no avail. I'm pretty sure we were getting weird stares from people around us. But I didn't really care. I just needed to get away!

Now, your probably wondering why I'm freaking out. Well, as I said before I'm considered a social outcast (unless I'm with Kayla) so I usually sit outside and after what happened earlier today, I don't even want to think about what will happen. Que shudder. *shudder*.

Kayla practically dragged me into the cafeteria, to the lunch line, bought our food, and dragged me to a table near the back. Once we were seated she put both of her legs over mine so I wouldn't move. So, I just gave up and pouted. I looked up and saw the whole cafeteria looking at us. I know cliché right, but anyways they were freaking staring for no reason. It's not like we killed somebody. So, I stood up, with Kayla quickly grabbing my hand thinking I was going to run, and yelled to everyone:

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT? HAVENT YOU EVER SEEN A GIRL BRFORE?" Making sure to glare at each and everyone of them.

They all looked away frightened and got back to what ever boring thing they were talking about before. I say back down and looked over and saw a very wide-eyed Kayla staring at me.

"What?" I asked confused. I seriously didn't know what the problem was. They were annoying me.

"Who are you?" Kayla asked bewildered but I could see the slight amusement in her eyes. So, I answered sarcastically,

"Winnie the Pooh."

She looked at me then replied,
"Haha. Very funny. But I'm serious. I would have never guessed you had the courage and guys to do that!"

"Yeah. Well it helps that half the student body doesn't recognize me." I replied.

Just then the lunch bell rang. So, Kayla and I went and threw away put food. I wasn't that hungry anyways. And headed to math. Believe it or not, math is my favorite subject. So I am pretty excited. THAT DOES NOT MAKE ME A NERD THOUGH!!!! no matter what the rest of the student body says.

Kayla and I walked in and sat down just as the bell rang. So, I grabbed out yesterday's homework and got out my note book. And for the first time today, I payed attention in class.

Hello cool cats. Sorry was that too cheesy? anyways I really appreciate all the reads. We are already at 62 reads. I'm so proud! I would love it we could get the votes and comments up. That would be wonderful. Thanks.

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