Chapter 1

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Alex's POV


"Ugh! why won't that thing shut up!" I yell to myself as I fumble to try and find the off button of the damn alarm clock.

I yawn and get out of bed, with difficulty. And go to take a shower. I'm not going to tell you what happened in there,cuz for all I know you could be a creepy pervert. When I'm done I put a fluffy towel around me. I love fluffy towels. They're just so.........fluffy.

Oh! I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Alex Mackentire. I am 17 years old and I'm a senior at Lincoln View High School. At school I'm known as the nerd of the school. I don't necessarily like school like the stereotypical nerd. I'm just good at it.

Anyways, I went into my closet and got out some old skinny jeans, a band t-shirt and a baggy sweatshirt. I just left my naturally straight hair down to air dry. I put my black thick rimmed glasses on and grabbed my backpack off my desk and ran downstairs into the kitchen.

My parents were on a trip to Africa for their work. They were doctors and were there to heal all the wounded and sick people there. So, I am utterly alone!

I went to the kitchen and got my self a bowl of lucky charms cereal. When I finished I put my bowl in the sink and headed towards the door. I put my gray converse on and walked out the front door, not before I grabbed my house keys though.

Instead of using one of my many cars, I choose to walk like every other day. No one needs to know I'm kinda rich. Plus, my school is like a 10 minute walk.
**********10 minutes later********

As I walk up to the schools front door, I see him!

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