Chapter 26

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Alex's POV

Today is beach day!!!! Woot woot. I'm so excited!

The only problem is that when Kayla and I went shopping, Kayla only let me buy a bikini. And to be completely honest, I don't trust Ben. He kind of creeps me out.

Anyways, I just finished getting ready and now I'm waiting for Kayla to hurry up, while reading this really sad book in wattpad. It's called " Why He Jumped", and it's probably the best and saddest book I have ever read in my life. It's so sad that I've only read to like the second chapter and I'm already bawling my eyes out!

Just then, Kayla rang the door bell. So, I grabbed all my stuff and headed to the door. I open the door and the first thing she says is:

"Have you been crying?" Man! I really hope it isn't that noticeable.

"Is it that noticeable?" I ask already kind if knowing her answer.

"Psh! only a litt- okay that's a lie. Your face is so red it looks like a baboons bit, your eyes are so puffy you look like you had an allergic reaction, and you have such big tears stains in your face I'm surprised they can't see them from Mars!" She said all in one breath and bent over panting like a dog. Bitch.

Gee, thanks. That makes me feel awesome." I say flatly.

"What happened to make you cry so much anyway?" She asked while we walking to her car.

"Oh, just this really sad book in wattpad." I say as we pull up to the beach. We live really close, or at least I do.

"Oh that makes sense, nerd." Kayla said while whispering the last part.

"Whatever!" I yelled as we walked toward the beach.

"Hey guys." we heard Nate yell from where him and Ben set up our stuff.

"Hey!" Kayla and I said at the same time.

"What's up guys?" I ask Nate and Ben

"Oh nothing, just waiting for you beautiful." Ben says while grabbing my hand.

Oh great. Here we go again. This should be fun! Not!


Hey guys, sorry it took me so long!

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