Chapter 5

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Damien's POV

I was at my locker when my best bud Josh texted me. Telling me that he wanted to show me something and to meet him at his car.

I closed my locker and started towards the front gates of our school. As I walked I got the usual longing gazes from the girls that want me and the guys that want to be me. I just ignored them.

If you hadn't notice ready, I'm pretty popular. And I'm kind of a big deal! I'm Damien Knight! Resident soccer player at Lincoln View High School. I have all the girls falling at my feet. And all the most popular friends.

Anyway, I was walking out of the school gates when I bumped into someone. I was about to punch them, when I heard them say:

"Oh. Sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." she said. I looked down surprised, because she was a little shorter than me, and saw a girl who, if I must say so my self, looked pretty badass.

I put on my usual smirk and answered, " Oh. It's quite all right, babe." I figured she was new, she didn't look familiar.

She shot her head towards me and look somewhat........fearful. I don't know why, but looking in her eyes they looked a little familiar. I just shrugged it off and looked to the babe in front of me.

"So, beautiful. Do you need help finding your way around the school? Because I will gladly help. And then maybe later I can help you with your homework at my house." I asked with a smirk.

Alex's POV

Was he high? I'm not knew! I looked over at Kayla who was watching this whole time. She pointed to my phone. So, I dug it out and looked at the message she sent me.

'He doesn't recognize you, be as bold as you can. This is the one time you can dis him and him not know who you are.'

So, I figured why not.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked.

"Uh. Yeah. Who else would I be talking to, Casper?" He replied haughtily.

"Aww! How cute. You have imaginary friends. I thought only little children had them." I replied smugly. By now a crowed had gathered.

"Listen beautiful. Would you like me to walk you to class or not?" he asked kind of irritated now. Perfect.

"No. I'm fine. I think I will find a cuter douche to walk me to class." I replied. This felt great. I have wanted to do this since this bastard broke up with me. The crowed 'ooooooed'.

"Listen here, bitch. I don't need to be nice to you. I can make your life a living hell." He spat out. They 'oooooed' again.

"Sure you can. Just don't hurt yourself big boy." I replied. And with that I walked away with Kayla.

Just as we were far away from earshot she turned to me. " That was great. Who knew you had it in you!"

"I know. I thought I was going to faint!"

We both laughed and headed into our home room together.

Damien's POV

What was that? I thought as I watched her walk away. The crowd that I hadn't noticed before dispersed. I looked over at Josh, who I guess was watching the whole thing because he walked over to me laughing uncontrollably.

"That was hilarious! Dude, you just got owned by a girl!" he laughed.

"Whatever. Let's go. Or we will be late for class." I told him before heading to my home room.

"Aww. Don't be like that!" he exclaimed still laughing. But followed me anyway. Well, I guess I won't be able to know what he wanted to show me. Oh well, I didn't really care anyways.

Josh and I walked into home room. Me thinking about that mysterious girl. All I knew was that I was not going to give up. I will have her!


Woohoo! 2 updates in 1 day.


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