Chapter 14

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Damien's POV

'I haven't talked to Alex in a while.' I think as I'm walking down the hall to the cafeteria. You know the say 'speak of the devil and he shall come' or something like that? Because I feel like that right now. Just as I had thought about Alex I saw her with her friend Kayla and some dude. I smirked. 'Time to have some fun!' I thought to myself.

"Hey there sweetcheeks." I said as I walked up to her. I even added a wink at the end.

"Ugh. It's you. WHAT DO YOU WANT!" she yells exasperated. It's quite funny to look at actually.

"Just here to see my favorite person!" I said with a fake smile.

"Well. At least one of us is happy to see one another." She said with a scowl.

"Ouch. That hurts babe." I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders and giving her a fake hurt expression.

"Yeah. Whatever. Just get the hell away from me you douche weed!" she said with an annoyed look on her face. By now I was already bored so I figured I should just end this little 'showdown'.

"Yeah. Whatever bitch. I'm done talking to you." I said with a bored tone.

"Excuse me asshole. You call that talking? That was just a failed attempt and flirting!" she looked at me questionably. by now my pride was hurt. And I was NOT going to let this bitch win again.

"Oh really. If it was such a failed attempt, the. How come it worked last time?" I asked. I knew I threw a low blow by the look on her face. But I didn't care. I'm heartless.

"That was obviously a mistake on my part. Because you really suck at it. My dog can pick up girls better than you can. Asshole." She said giving me a smirk. HOW DARE SHE!

"Fuck you!" I yelled not knowing what else to say. Damn! she won again. I heard her give a little chuckle to her friends. I then remember the dude next to her. I was about to ask her who it was but when I turned around they were all gone. Ugh! So, I just walked to the cafeteria.

Alex's POV

Woohoo. Another victory for Team Alex! Kayla, Nate and I were at Kayla and I's usual table and were highfiving each other.

"Who knew you had it in you Alex." Nate said.

" I know especially the sensitive topic." Said Kayla in a whisper.

"Yeah." I replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is the 'sensitive topic'?" Nate asked.

So, for the rest of lunch Kayla and I explained everything. Starting from the beginning. We finished right as the bell rang for next period. By the end Nate was seething. It was a scary sight.

In the end we got him to calm down and started walking to our next class.

Today was definitely interesting. Hope tomorrow's the same.


Hey guys that for all the reads. I have about 790 reads so far. I really appreciate it. Thanks. And sorry it took me so long to update.
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😘love you guys😘

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