Chapter 2

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Alex's POV

I saw him! The one that broke my heart not more than a year ago. I know what your thinking 'just get over him it was a year ago!' But you see it's not this easy, he was my first boyfriend and I thought he loved me. But it turned out that the whole thing was a dare. I knew it was too good to be true, after all who could love a quit nerd!

Just as I set foot in the school building I was almost tackled to the ground by my best friend, Kayla.

Kayla was the exact opposite of me. While I was more tomboy, she was all girly with skirts, dresses, makeup and stuff like that. I don't understand how she can wear that stuff though!

"Hey sista!" My wacky best friend exclaimed.

"Hey Kayla." I replied kinda down. If you know what I mean.

"What's got you so down in the dumps?" she questioned.

"Oh. you know the usual."

"You have got to forget about that guy! it's been almost a year!"

"I know. It's just not that easy."

"I've got an idea!"

"And that would be?" I asked confused.

"Not now. Come to my house after school." she exclaimed happily, to happy if you ask me.

"Okay?" I was utterly confused. What is she planning?


Man! Does school have to start now! Well, I better hurry. I have Mr. Anderson! He is the meanest teacher in the schools history.

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