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"Jeongin, we've got company 6 o'clock sounds like four." Felix said as quiet as possible while still having Jeongin able to hear him.

"Minho, Changbin, Seungmin, and Hyunjin, it's your turn. Others stop here." Jeongin sat as if he was a wild cat on the branch, Felix doing the same without even realizing it.

The four mentioned stopped their movement and waited in the shadows. Just as Felix said, four people came from behind where they previously were. Seungmin took his target without a second glance, piercing his needle through their throat and grabbing their badge. Minho pulled sediment from the ground and buried his target under it, causing them to suffocate and dug in for the badge.

However things didn't come easy for Changbin and Hyunjin.

Hyunjin cursed as he was burned by some kind of electricity. He looked at his arm and gagged at the smell of his own flesh burning. Changbin was hit in the head with an invisible force. He nearly fell from the tree but Hyunjin pulled him up with his ok arm.

Hyunjin set a wall of fire infront of the two as they gathered themselves.

Hyunjin's target phased around it and ran straight into his sword made of fire. Hyunjin quickly retrieved the badge before the body fell.

Changbin tried to focus his sight as he was being pushed around, then realizing that invisible force was his target themself. He closed his eyes and built a bubble around his body, waiting until they came in contact before dramatically increasing the heat and burning the other person badly. He reached for the badge as it momentarily was revealed. Holding it in his hands he shot water into their mouth and froze it, stopping his target's heart. He sighed and pulled back rubbing his head.

"You both still need to work on close range fighting. Mistakes like those against stronger students will leave you dead." Jeongin stood with a stern look and turned away from them, scouting. Changbin walked over to Hyunjin and healed him the best he could.

They stood in silence, Felix's tail slowly swaying in the wind.

"We will wait until night, there's few groups that sleep, we get their badges and knock them out. I want you to stay here while I get a badge for myself." Jeongin looked at them all. "I trust you will be smart and not die on me." He jumped from the trees and was gone in an instant.

"Im scared." Jisung stood, staring out at the sun that was slowly beginning to set on the horizon.

"I'm sure we are all nervous, but for now just be aware and be quiet, I'm sure he won't be long." Felix whispered, his ears picking up on every tiny sound.

About an hour passed by when Felix jolted awake from his nap at the sound of rushed footsteps. he kicked the others awake and pointed down. A small group of five stopped below them, panting.

Hyunjin looked at everyone, about to create fire balls when Minho pushed his hands down. He got small pieces from the ground and handed them to Chan, whispering in his ear. "Bang."

Chan understood and looked down, readying the rocks in his hand. A human sniper.

Within seconds all five fell to the ground, as if bullets had been shot through their heads. Felix hopped down and collected the badges, getting back up just as fast.

He handed one to Minho and Chan, leaving three more, he kept one for himself. He looked at the remaining boys, thinking, before handing the last two to Changbin and Hyunjin. He peered at Jisung, "you'll get the next." Jisung nodded and they fell back into their original places.

"When do you think Je-" his voice hitched when the boy suddenly landed infront of them. "Don't do that!" Jisung whisper yelled at Jeongin.

Their eyes widened when he dumped multiple badges from his shirt. "I have my five there's six more in that pile."

The boys had yet another reason to fear the youngest of them.

Jisung grabbed a badge, them all having two now. They waited for Jeongin to distribute the remainder.

"I plan to get Hyunjin his first as he's already injured and if anything happens I want him out first for that reason." Jeongin then handed three more badges to Hyunjin. "Chan you take these two and get your next from the group that thinks they are hidden from us." Jeongin whipped around and shot in multiple directions. "Run!"

The boys didn't have to be told twice.

But of course there's always someone stubborn. "I'm gonna help you." Seungmin closed his eyes and focused on the closest aura to him that wasn't Jeongin and bent it in all kinds of ways, making the male he just attacked scream in agony.

"I told you to run!" Jeongin was hit in the side with some type of metal. "Shit!"

Seungmin wrapped an arm around his waist and shielded him, taking down two more. Jeongin placed both of them inside one of his black spheres.

"I'm bleeding." Jeongin put a hand on his upper side, putting pressure on it.

"Me too," Seungmin suddenly fell and Jeongin panicked, accidentally sending orbs in every direction outwards. Though it did kill the rest of the attackers.

"God damnit!" Jeongin tore some of his shirt and wrapped it around Seungmin's leg.

"Sorry," Seungmin grunted as Jeongin pulled the knot tight.

"It's not your fault." Jeongin took a deep breath before jumping out of his sphere, but leaving Seungmin inside. He rounded up the badges and hopped through the trees at a great speed, Seungmin who was struggling to stay awake floating behind him. "Stay with me Kim!" Jeongin yelled, nearing the rest of the group.

Felix heard them approaching and gasped at the amount of blood he saw in his sight.

"Seungmin is down!"

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