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Hiya! Before we get into it, I know I have been gone for a really long time. This is for personal reasons I am uncomfortable sharing. However, I'm back now and this is the first time I'm getting any time to sit down and write in a while. I no longer have any of my notes for this story due to a very unfortunate circumstance, but I spent a long time yesterday reading this and putting the plot back together best I could. Some things may be a bit different than you may remember and I apologize for that.(this includes dynamics of powers, specifically jeongins as I think my thought process was flawed when making his.) Thank you for everything guys. Let's get going then!


The snow was still falling heavily upon the eight, making anything and everything hard to do. "We just need to get back through the wall. I'm not sure how far it is, hang in there guys." Jeongin shouted over the wind, using all his strength to help Seungmin walk. He peered down at his side, noticing his wound from earlier on opened back up. Blood was dripping into a trail on the ground. He looked back up and held out a hand, summoning a bubble around the group. "It's hard for me to do this but I need to get to the wall and open it up, we won't ever get there like this. Minho, please take care of him for me." Jeongin carefully set the shivering Seungmin in Minho's arms.

"I'm not sure how long my power will last once I'm far enough away, when it disappears find somewhere safe, and please be careful." Jeongin gave one last look around the boys and sprinted away.

"Seungmin can't walk, Hyunjin's arm is out of the question, Felix's energy is draining every second he is out in the cold which also has an effect on Jisung, and Jeongin is gone. We need to be even more careful than before, stay as quiet as you physically can." Chan spoke up for the first time in a while. "Changbin are you able to heal Hyunjin or Seungmin at all?"

Wordlessly, he held his hand over Hyunjin's arm. Hyunjin shook his head and pushed his hand away. "Not without a load of pain, and it won't go unnoticed volume wise." Changbin whispered.

Chan sighed, falling into deep thought. His eyes snapped up at the scene of the bubble around them glitching. "He's going too far"

"The trees are our best bet. Come on get moving." Miho heaved Seungmin up and pulled him over into the cover of the forest. The rest solemnly followed.

"Guys.. I can't.. keep my eyes open.." Felix's weak voice resonated around their ears. Jisung stared at the boy in his arms with tears in his eyes. Felix's ears twitched in the bitter wind.

"I gave him all my energy and it's still not enough. Can you warm him up Hyunjin?" Jisung's voice cracked and he bit his lip to silence any cry that wanted to make its way from his throat.

"To an extent," Hyunjin avoided Jisung's hurt eyes. "Not enough to have an effect without making any flames."

Jisung let out a shaky sigh. "Felix.. it's okay, you can close your eyes. When you open them again I promise you I'll be there."

Felix lifted his now pale hand and held Jisung's cheek. Jisung choked up a smile and rested his free hand over Felix's.

Everyone watched Felix slowly fall into a dangerous slumber. "It's gonna be okay, we're gonna get out of here." Chan assured them, though it seemed he was trying to convince himself more than anything.

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