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"I'm so hungry," Felix pat his stomach and pouted.

"Make something," Minho walked in, putting his now dirty dish in the sink and letting out a small burp.

"Ok one, gross, and two wash that plate!" Chan smacked the back of his head, beginning to wash his own.

Felix and Jisung looked at the two with wide eyes. "What did you guys eat?" Jisung shouted out of jealousy.

"We actually got up off our lazy asses and made food, from the fridge, you know what that is right? It's this big, shiny, and silv-" Minho was cut off.

"Yes, idiot, I know what the hell a fridge is." Jisung deadpanned.

"Mh-hm anyways, I'll be on my way to class." Minho smiled, making his way to the door. Chan followed after him.

Minho was level two, and so was Chan, but Felix and Jisung were three so they had a few days less of class than the other two.

"Great." Jisung rolled his eyes and went to look for food again, giving in and grabbing a noodle cup.

"At least we have something!" Felix smiled brightly, doing the same as Jisung. He turned on the pot to boil water.

"How are you always so happy?" Jisung asked, sitting on the counter.

"Practice." He leaned against the counter next to Jisung, watching the water on the stove.

"What? You don't practice to be happy." Jisung stared at the other intently, a deep questioning look on his face.

"You do when you aren't happy. Practice makes perfect." Felix chuckled bitterly.

"Are you, not happy?"

"I don't see how anyone could be." He crossed his arms over his chest, rubbing his thumb over the side of it.

"I don't understand. You seem fine, you're always jumping around and exited, why are you sad?" Jisung asked quietly.

"Before now I was alone. Everyone I thought I knew left me, I really thought he," Felix abruptly cut himself off, "I don't know why I'm telling you this." Felix stood and grabbed the boiling water and poured some into both cups of noodles. "I don't know why but I feel like I don't have to put up that mask around you."

"Thanks, and you don't, you shouldn't have to at all." Jisung closed the top of the cup, letting the noodles set. He watched as Felix did the same.

"How?" Felix squinted slightly, looking Jisung in the eyes.

"What do you mean?" He shifted slightly under such an intense gaze.

"How am I just telling you all this? If it was anyone else I wouldn't, say all that. How do you make me completely drop all the fake? How do you make me so.. comfortable?" Felix sounded confused at his own words.

"People tell me that a lot. They say that I would be good as an interrogator because people seem to ease into my presence. I don't know how myself, I guess I just make people feel safe and like they can trust me, but I don't do it purposefully, if that makes sense." Felix laughed slightly at his he rambled on at such a quick speed.

"Yeah I get it." Felix nodded, checking the noodles, deciding they were finished enough and began eating. They sat in a comfortable silence, the only other sounds being their chewing. Eventually they both finished and Felix chugged down a glass of water to rehydrate himself.

"What should we do?" Jisung asked, slightly swinging his legs back and forth.

"I'm in the mood to watch a movie then nap, if that's ok with you?" Felix looked at the other, waiting for an answer.

"Sure!" Jisung smiled.

Felix went over and pat his thigh lightly, pulling him off the counter. "Hurry!" Felix almost ran into the living room, grabbing the remote to the smart TV and beginning to scroll. Jisung sat next to the arm of the couch, waiting for Felix to pick a movie.

"Here we go!" He clicked one and placed the remote back on the coffee table. He laid down on the couch, head in Jisung's lap. He pulled the thin blanket and covered himself. "Are your legs not cold?" Felix asked, noticing Jisung was only in a pair of basketball shorts.

"A-a little but I'm fine." Jisung stuttered at how close Felix was.

He suddenly sat up and gestured Jisung to move his legs so he was leaning against the arm rest. He scooted himself between and covered his body along with Jisung's.

"There, cuddle and movie." Felix laid his head back into Jisung's chest, completely oblivious to how much the other was panicking at the moment.

He didn't know what to do with his hands, so he gave in and put them under the blanket, and intertwined his fingers on top of Felix's stomach. He felt the others tiny hands come to rest on top of his.

"Thank you."

"Huh? For what?" Jisung took his eyes off the screen after the movie was half way done.

"Comforting me, even if I didn't tell you the whole story you made me feel a lot better." Felix smiled softly, his eyes getting heavy.

"Any time, Lix, you can sleep," that was the last thing the boy heard before drifting off, leaving Jisung to continue watching the movie on his own.

Sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm running off of about 3 hours of sleep at most and now it's already 12am, my mind drifted to a poem I had to memorize and accidentally wrote it down lol :')
I figured I'd do some Jilix content bc those two have my heart ^^

Hope you all are doing well my loves, stay healthy for me :)

- Nari

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