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He finally reached the school Gates and sighed. Looking back one more time before walking to the tower that would take him back to the "human world."

"ID?" The man at the bottom of the tower said.

Jeongin rolled his eyes. "Would I be here if I didn't have powers? I don't want to waste my energy doing anything right now." That wasn't true. Jeongin and this other person had.. history, I should say. No, not that kind of history, the man was Jeongin's father.

"ID?" He repeated this time sounding annoyed. Jeongin sighed and grabbed his wallet from his back pocket. Opening it up to make the little card visible.

"Here, permission from the dean to bring people back." He shoved a folded piece of paper to his chest and walked into the tower. He closed his eyes and waved his hand in a little motion before disappearing.


"How in fucks name do people get around this place?" Jeongin had wide eyes displayed on his face as he was staring at the very big town. In Allpine there was only necessary buildings and maybe a movie theater and coffee shop here and there. The students and citizens were left to entertain themselves with hunting beasts, pestering animals, and other things as such.

He was positioned up on a hill about a mile away from the town, his form shifted into that of a small dog, figuring that wouldn't be suspicious. Jeongin carried his bag in his mouth, running to the place. He spent some time learning his way around, as his magic proved to be helpful in memorizing things.

He spotted a group of five boys, boys he was looking for. One of them saw Jeongin, or the dog. He ran over to Jeongin, but said boy slowly walked in to the ally out of view to the others. It wasn't his first time doing something like this. Why he was constantly chosen to carry out the school's ridiculous tasks? He wasn't sure. "Hey, it's ok, come here." The boy was still trying to grab Jeongin.

Jeongin shifted back into his human form and struck the boy in the neck and he immediately fainted. "One at a time." Jeongin looked around before picking up the boy and making himself invisible. He got back to the tower as soon as possible.

When he reached there he dropped the boy on the ground. "Heavy." He panted out using his knees as support for his upper body. "Lee Minhyuk? 25 years old." Jeongin clicked his tongue flipping the folder closed. "Unnecessary information." He dragged Minhyuk by his arm into the bottom of the tower doing the same motions again. "Make them walk next time, added to my to do list." Jeongin groaned.

He appeared in his home world. Jeongin's dad looked over and his eyes widened a bit. "ID?" Jeongin simply kept walking.

"Oh yeah!" Jeongin realized he specialized in a certain form of magic that would've been helpful a long time ago. He waved his hand over the poor grass burnt boy and a bubble formed around him, trailing after Jeongin wherever he went.

"What do I do with it?" Jeongin asked walking into the dean's office.

"One so soon? It's only been two hours?" The dean looked at Jeongin curiously. "Your dorm. You have quite a few extra rooms don't you? You will take in at least five of them."

Jeongin's eyes widened. "I-i.. yeah, ok." He walked out with the bubble following him. He got lots of looks from other students, but he didn't care about anyone else anyways.

He stood staring at the boy for a few minutes before tossing around a little ball of magic, given by the dean. It would apparently activate the other's powers. But he was still knocked out so there wasn't much to do.

Soon enough he heard shuffling from the couch and the boy sat up rubbing his eyes. "What happened?"

"You were chosen by the almighty dog god." Jeongin said with as much seriousness as he could.

"Dog god? The dog from the ally?" He jumped up. Jeongin laughed. "How are you holding a ball of air and glitter?" Jeongin looked at what was in his hands and tossed it at Minhyuk. The boy freaked out trying to hold it steady, but it sunk into his skin. "What the fu-"

"Hey, watch your language!" Jeongin yelled covering Minhyuk's mouth. "Now lift your right hand and point your index finger." Jeongin guided Minhyuk to point at a base sitting on a shelf. "Nice now think about making it float." He watched the vase closely and saw it levitate bit by bit. "Perfect, your ready to start class!"

"The dog gave me powers?" Minhyuk yelled confused.

"No, you had them, and I activated them."

"You're the dog god?"

Jeongin face palmed. "No I can turn into a dog, or any animal I brought you here per request from the school dean. There is no dog god." Jeongin looked at Minhyuk as if he was a child. "Also, it's not all necessarily powers. More so magic. Like a, wizard or, witch." Jeongin smiled.

"Why does my side hurt so much?" Minhyuk pulled up his shirt and found a big red spot. "Can you.. heal this?"

"I can, but I won't." Jeongin giggled. "That's what your first classes are about, healing so you can do it yourself." Jeongin pulled him out of the room. "This is our dorm, you stay here with me and a few others that will be here." The rest of the day consisted of Jeongin showing Minhyuk around and leading him to his first class. Then listening to him cry about his friends.


"Dear lord. Look, I like you but you are gonna need to shut the hell up. Your friends will be here too if that makes you happy. Go to sleep and when you wake up, boom! You'll have a friend, one at a time man, one at a time."

This one was a bit longer, hope you enjoyed :)!

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