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"Everyone report to the testing grounds. May you have the best of luck."

"Where is that at?" Jisung asked quietly.

"Just follow me, keep your head down, apologize if you even so much as graze someone in the hallway." Jeongin took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping out, the boys behind him.

It was still early morning, the mood was solemn and dim. The eight kept close to each other and made no sound. They followed Jeongin closely and quietly spoke amongst each other every few minutes.

They had reached a stadium like wall, it stretched for miles and hundreds of students stood outside of it. The higher ups stood looking down on them, mics attached to their ears.

A woman with horns on her head stepped forward, clicking her mic. "Today is the day. I won't keep you long. You'll stay with your groups and be teleported to a randomized side of the stadium. Your first challenge is to get in. If you fail, you'll be expelled to the human world and your memory wiped."

Mummers broke out and the boys exchanged worried glances.

"Your second and final task, collect 5 of other students badges, each."

"There's 8 of us, we need 40!? That's crazy!" Changbin whispered confused and frustrated.

Jeongin glared to shush him and turned his attention back to the announcer.

Another one of them stepped up, a man in a dark purple cloak. "You are not allowed to exit the stadium until you have all your badges. If your team mates don't, you have the option to leave them behind. Once you get out, if you do, it will be decided if you pass or fail. Once your badge is taken, you will be disqualified. May you have the best of luck."

No one got out a sound before they were miles away from their original position. Jeongin counted everyone to make sure they were together.

"How do we get up there?" The others looked up to where Minho was pointing and nearly broke their necks.

"Under?" Felix flung out his claws, ready to dig on command.

"There's a steel barrier 7 meters deep, it wouldn't be the best." Jeongin casted his gaze to a discoloration on the wall and pointed to it. "There."

He jumped up and threw a black orb at the spot, a hole crumbling in it. Jeongin grabbed on to the edge and pulled himself up, waving the others to follow.

"If we would've tried to jump over we would have been electrocuted. If we phased through we would be fatigued to the point of near death. They do this to show that even huge things can be hidden in plain sight. Now that we are inside, the real test begins. Keep quiet and keep in the air. Don't attack without telling us and don't run off. Got it?"

The boys nodded and followed Jeongin as he immediately climbed into a tree.

"We will wait for ten minutes here. There will be a small group walking around by the wall at the start. It's always the new people. After that we can cover more ground." Jeongin whispered to them, sitting down and closing his eyes.

Everyone kept silent, only sounds of the trees blowing and the occasional shake of the walls, showing someone had been electrocuted.

Sure enough, a few minutes later a group of three came into view, Jeongin's eyes opening instantly. He threw an orb down, hitting one in the head. "No telekinesis or sensory.. Chan, Felix, Jisung, you guys take these three."

"Are you sure? I mean what happens if they are more powerful than they look-" Jisung was cut off with a stern look and sighed, dropping down with the two others.

The three that were walking turned around and got into fighting stances.

"Jisung, can't you just do what you did while we were training?" Chan asked quietly, staring at the other three who trembled waiting on someone to make a move.

"Only once, it takes tons of energy." Jisung looked at the boy in front of him with a threatening look. "I'll do that to mine, you guys will get the other two, I'll help if needed." Before any objections were made Jisung was behind Chan with a badge in his hand as the boy he was previously looking at fell to the ground. Chan and Felix looked at Jisung in amazement as he panted. Felix's ear twitched and he turned back to see the others running at him.

A hiss low in his throat he ran forward, flipping the boy over and stepping on his back, tearing off his badge. "Chan! Watch out!" Chan ducked and barely missed a swing from a sword seemingly made of solidified rock. Chan picked a stone up from the ground and launched it into the last one's head, making him pass out. He stepped up and grabbed the badge, the three looking up at the rest of the boys who wore proud smiles.

Jeongin waved them to come up.

"Good job, Felix, nice going using teamwork. Chan, you used your surroundings to your advantage, always do that when you need to. Jisung, you did well but you shouldn't have used so much energy so early on."

The three nodded and Jisung spoke, "I didn't think about that, I'll do better."

Jeongin smiled and pat his head.

"You guys ready? I'd say we have some things to collect that belong to us eh?"

The boys smiled and nodded, all of them following Jeongin as he hopped between branches.

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