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Jeongin carefully got down, landing on the ground with a bit of a thud. He loosened his bag from himself and handed it up to Seungmin, having to jump a little to reach. He ran towards Minho, who was a ways back and called Changbin to come with him. Chan groaned loudly as the three bent down next to him. "My leg hurts so bad." Minho held Chan's head in his lap.

Jeongin nudged Changbin, he got up and looked around for a moment before pulling down a tree branch. He ripped a long leaf off of it. It was nearly half the size of Changbin himself, though Jeongin thought that wasn't really saying much. From somewhere else he pulled a plant from the ground. He watched in curiosity as Changbin smashed the plant up into a tiny powder-like substance. He held some in his hand and told Chan to prepare himself. "This is going to be nasty." He used a piece of the leaf as a makeshift cup and filled it with water using a swirl of his hand, dumping the power into it. He handed it to Chan who hesitantly downed it.

"What is it?" Jeongin asked as he helped Changbin wrap Chan's leg, using the bark as a stilt and the leaf to keep it on.

"Turmeric, it'll help with inflammation and pain. You're lucky there was any of it around and I actually pay attention in my classes." He rolled his eyes playfully. "Help him back up, I have an idea."

Jeongin and Minho both helped lift Chan onto the back of the creature as Changbin returned with way more plants. "Put these in your bag." Changbin handed Minho a handful of more turmeric and some other things Jeongin didn't recognize. He still had long, light brown vine looking things in his hand. "I got these from around the trees, they are basically just dead vines, they should be strong enough to use as a rope so this doesn't happen again."

Jeongin and Changbin went around securing the boys and then themselves before setting off again, more aware this time. Jeongin wore a stern look on his face as he begrudgingly guided everyone in the direction of their destination.

It was nightfall by the time they had reached the old cabin. Jeongin gazed over the heavily wooded area before tiredly slipping from the side of the animal, giving his stiff muscles a stretch. The group wordlessly followed his actions, dropping their bags to the ground as well. Seungmin turned to the large creatures, "rest for the night before you head back. Thank you for your help." The animal stared back into his eyes with an unreadable look as the chimes the boys had grown familiar with rang through their tired ears. Seungmin watched the group of animals make their way into a small clearing before settling down. He smiled softly.

The said boy felt a hand on his shoulder and looked over, meeting eyes with Jeongin. "I'm overdue for a long explanation to you, and I'll push it back a bit more for the morning after you've rested." He glanced one last time before removing his hand and helping everyone settle into their new temporary home.

After walking around to the back of the house to flip on the breaker, which was powered by the running water from a nearby river, he stepped inside. Placing his bag on the, surprisingly, nearly pristine couch to the left of the doorway. Jeongin gazed around, seeing Jisung already asleep in a barstool leaning against the island. From what he could tell, the place wouldn't need much cleaning at all. He walked down the hallway adjacent to the door and went into a large wooden door to his right. It was a bedroom with a small bathroom immediately to the right and two beds in the middle. A large dump of light shines through the full wall window right Infront of him.

The door across from it was the same, only with the addition of a small couch across from the beds. Further down the hall was a large empty room with three windows lined up on the back wall. Jeongin smiled at the familiar sight. Through the windows and past the overgrown vegetation, lay a large, glistening lake.

He exited the room and noticed Jisung had been carried to the left room and laid in bed, the one next to it was occupied by Chan who seemed slightly displeased. From around the corner of the wall he saw Minho settling himself down on the couch to sleep. To the right Hyunjin and Changbin were already knocked out, sprawled across each other and breathing rather obnoxiously. He took a second, the realization of his exhaustion finally slapping him in his face. He headed into the room, quietly walking past Changbin and Hyunjin. He spotted his and Seungmin's bag next to the bed already. Soon after, said boy walked out of the bathroom freshly showered and drying his hair. Jeongin began looking through the bag for clothes to put on after he showered. He looked through a few times before looking up to Seungmin sheepishly. "Could I borrow a shirt to sleep in? I think I may have forgotten a lot of my stuff." Seungmin laughed quietly before nodding his head in agreement. Jeongin grabbed a shirt and shorts before walking off. He shut the door behind him.

Jeongin looked at himself in a mirror for the first time in a while. It was rough to keep it short and simple. He had dark bags under his eyes and countless little scratches across his face that were having trouble healing. He couldn't imagine how beat up the rest of his body looked, so he chose to look away from everything reflective as he undressed himself. He quickly stepped in and washed himself off with only water and a bar soap someone had been smart enough to bring. He felt his feet start to ache as he stood there, letting the hot water run down his body for longer than he probably should have. Reluctantly, he shut the water off and took a deep breath to clear his head.

Again, he avoided the mirror as he put clothes on and walked out of the bathroom. Seungmin was lying on his side of the bed and looking out of the window until he heard Jenogin exit the bathroom. He gave the boy a once over and smiled, whispering something under his breath that Jeongin couldn't hear. After his hair was dry enough, he tossed his towel over the side of the stray chair in the room and laid down next to Seungmin. He turned over to face Jeongin and just smiled. "What?"

Seungmin shook his head, "nothing. Just thinking." He stared for a second longer before speaking again, "what do you think will happen from today forward? Sureley the school administrators will be after us?"

Jeongin responded quickly, "I don't think they will. The council will have found out by now. But if they do, I'll be ready."

Seungmin seemed confused as he scooted a little closer. "What's the council? Also, I think you mean we will be ready, you aren't alone in this, Jeongin." Seungmin gently held Jeongin's hand, conveying his point further.

"I won't let you fight anymore, Seungmin. Not until I know there's no risk to using any of your powers. I also don't want to see you hurt again, because of me." Jeongin's voice began to crack. So, Seungmin held on to him tighter. "I won't. I won't let you go through this carrying all the weught on your shoulders. It's just as much my problem if it involves you, Innie. I'm always going to fight for you, just like you did for me." Jeongin detached his hand from Seungmn and covered his eyes, taking a deep breath. Seungmin pulled the male in by his waist and placed his head on top of the other's. "Don't cry." Seungmin whispered, planting a kiss on Jeongin's head.

"It's going to be okay." He added, comforting Jeongin.

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