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He made a promise, and now he has to keep it. So here he is sneaking out at twelve o'clock to find someone.

No one was guarding the tower at this time, it was around the time they were switching for the night shift. He went in and appeared on the other side quickly. He didn't think this through very well. How was he gonna find anyone at this time?

"Well looks like it won't be that hard." He gazed in admiration at the brightly lit town. It was still buzzing with movement and action. Jeongin wished it could be this way back where he lived. He sighed and brushed off the thought.

He decided to walk and take time to watch the sky. You couldn't do things like this in Allpine. Step foot out at night and you end up in some cop's office being accused of being a spy.

"Ey kid!" Jeongin faced five guys that were placed in a dark alley with a blank face. "Come here." He waved over to the wall he was leaned against.

Jeongin walked over not breaking the blank stare he had. "Your a nice looking kid." One of the others put his hands beside Jeongin who was now against the wall. "Why don't you take off your clothes and look bett-"

Jeongin didn't even hesitate to kick the man in the stomach and he flew to the ground. Jeongin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Do me a favor will you?" He smiled, but it wasn't a kind one. They looked at him curiously. He walked up and grazed the sides of all of their faces with his hand. "Why don't you get yourself a stable job, and score a date with a cute boy? Or girl!" He nearly gagged, watching the star-struck faces they wore.

He sighed and let his smile fade. "I didn't like what you did very much. You'll never get anyone that way. And before you say it's "easier" think about all the people you will make hate you. You wouldn't want to be in a hate full relationship would you?" He looked up from the ground and let a mean glare make its way from his eyes.

They all looked at each other and back to Jeongin. He put up his hand and smiled tilting his head to the side. If you have seen psychotic, he was it. "Remember what I said once you're awake." With a quick snap of his fingers, they all fainted then and there, Jeongin's face fell again he he turned to walk away. "Hm, the human world isn't as great as it seems, is it?"

Jeongin had been walking for about an hour before finally spotting one of Minhyuk's friends. "Hey you!" Jeongin walked up with a fast pace. "Oh look there are three of you, we'll make this easy and come with me, eh?"


"You're not dumb come on, I'm tired I have been looking for some of you all night. Minhyuk would not shut up about you." Jeongin complained and started thinking about how much his feet hurt.

"You know where Minhyuk is!" One of them hopped up and put his hands on his shoulders.

Jeongin slid them off with a slightly disgusted look and nodded. "Come on, we have to walk quite far."

"How can I trust you?" Another one of them said.

"Hm.. Minhyuk's hair is currently a pink, and blue, multicolored type thing. He said your names are Changkyun, Jooheon, Hyunwoo, Kihyun, Hyungwon, and Hoseok." Jeongin pulled all three of them in the direction of the tower.

One of them eyed him suspiciously. "If you try anything we will jump you, kid." Jeongin rolled his eyes knowing they didn't stand a chance. "Changkyun, text the others."

They walked quietly most of the way. "Why are we out of the city?" Jeongin only shushed him and proceeded to walk. Soon enough the tower came into reach.

"Step inside and hold hands." The other three looked sceptical but complied anyways. "Good, now dont puke."

"Wha-" he didn't even have time to finish before they landed on their butts, all but Jeongin. "Where the hell are we."

"Allpine, or another dimension. You all have magic like everyone else here, and that's why I brought Minhyuk because your whole friend group does. That's four down and eleven to go!" Jeongin smiled at the thought of completing his task. He wanted nothing more than to be left alone to complete his time at this school.

"Yeah right." One of them clicked their tongue.

Jeongin looked over and turned into a bear, he stood on his hind legs so he looked down on the other. "Would you have just ended up in another dimension of it wasn't true?" Jeongin didn't mean to, but he made the boy faint. "You carry him, I'm tired."

"Yo.. what the fuck is that?" One of the boys pointed out.

Jeongin looked over and cursed loudly. They were in trouble.

Double update ^^

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