157 7 5

Before this chapter, the actual writing chapters added together equal 16,364 words

The group of boys that had been previously training all collapsed in multiple parts of the dorm, exhausted.
Jeongin sighed and slipped off his shoes, half way through he decided to participate with the training rather than just coaching. Jeongin hurried down the hall and listened through the door before walking in. "Guys..?" He whispered, Jisung's head raised and he sat up.

"You're back already?" Jisung whispered, he took his hand off of Felix's waist but the boy uneasily whined. Jisung sighed and put his arm back. "He's in a lot of pain."

"He'll be better tomorrow, I promise." Jeongin whispered again. "Lay down and sleep, we've got a long day in the morning." Jeongin watched Jisung lay back down and Felix scoot closer to him before taking his leave.

"Are they alright?" Minho tiredly asked.

"Mhm, be quiet they are both asleep. Hyunjin and Changbin, you guys can stay again, everyone to your rooms. I expect you all to be awake by 8. I'll have food ready, get going." Jeongin quietly demanded.

The boys decided not to argue or make much of a reaction anymore. Jeongin watched them all go to their rooms and saw Changbin lay down on the fold out couch, rubbing his neck. Jeongin frowned.

Truth was, he felt terrible about what he did, but he let his anger and sadness blind him. He walked to the freezer and got a small ice pack, before realizing he could just heal it and sighed. He put the ice back and walked to Changbin, who blankly stared up at him.

"..I'm sorry." He bent down to put his hand on Changbin's throat but he flinched away. Jeongin frowned, "I just want to heal it.. I'm really sorry."

Changbin nodded and came closer. Jeongin set his hand there and a faint light shined. Changbin felt better almost instantly.

"Good night," Jeongin looked at both boys and nodded.


"Sleep well."

Jeongin shut the bedroom door behind him and rubbed his eyes, walking to the closet. He grabbed a hoodie and joggers. Noticing Seungmin was facing the other way and asleep he changed there. Jeongin tossed the clothes next to the bed, deciding to pick them up when he woke.

He climbed into his bed as quietly as possible and faced the closet. Thinking about what he could do for training in the morning. Thinking about since the last time Habin messed with him, he's improved on his power. But his thoughts were interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. He sat up and looked over.

"Can I sleep here again?" Seungmin drowsily asked.

"Why, what's wrong?" Jeongin asked.

"..um, the uh, vent above my bed is too cold." Seungmin replied, a bit to fast for normal.

Jeongin raised an eyebrow, when he slept there he didn't remember any cold air or a vent but he shrugged and nodded anyways. Jeongin held up the covers for Seungmin to slip in. He was taken by surprise when Seungmin wrapped his arm around his waist. "S-seungmin?"

Seungmin only pulled him closer. "Sleep, I know you're tired too."

Jeongin relaxed and closed his eyes, hoping to fall asleep soon.

Jeongin was up and ready by 7, he had already cooked for everyone and began walking them up. He started with Changbin and Hyunjin, Minho and Chan, Jisung and Felix, then he headed to wake Seungmin.

Jeongin sat next to him and shook his shoulder. "Seungmin."

The boy was hugging a pillow as Jeongin used it for his replacement. "Seungmin, wake up." Jeongin tapped his cheek.





"Kim Seungmin."



Still no movement. Jeongin frowned and crossed his arms, thinking of something to wake him up. He hummed and smirked at the thought that popped in his head. Jeongin leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"Minnie~ wake up so I don't have to do something embarrassing?" Seungmin only groaned and shifted slightly.

Jeongin sighed and shrugged, "didn't want it to come to this." He got up and walked to where Hyunjin was eating with the others. Jeongin made a large bubble, small enough to still be able to fit through doors but still really big. "Changbin could you put some water in this please?" Jeongin smiled sweetly.

"What are you gonna do with it?" He asked skeptically.

"Show you guys what happens when you get up late." Changbin put his fork down and turned to the bubble, filling it halfway with water. Jeongin walked to the couch where everyone could still see and teleported Seungmin there. The boy groaned again and flipped around. Jeongin looked at the others who were staring intently.

Suddenly the bubble moved itself to surround Seungmin. The boy's eyes shot open and he screeched at the cold water. "Let me out!" Jeongin crossed his arms and watched him struggle, seeing the others die of laughter in the other room.

When Jeongin thought he had enough he dropped him on the hard floor and emptied the water to the sink. Seungmin shivered slightly and glared, standing up to go change into dry clothes. Jeongin watched him leave and sighed, the other boys were too occupied laughing to notice they even left the kitchen.

Jeongin leaned against the door frame as Seungmin pulled a dry shirt over his head and tried to dry his hair. Jeongin walked up and grabbed the towel, drying it for him. "Wake up next time Min."

"You didn't have to do that. I would have preferred to be pushed off the bed or something." Seungmin continued glaring at him, tossing the towel on his own bed.

"It is what it is." Jeongin hugged Seungmin, "don't be too mad." He let go, clicked his tongue and walked out of the room. Leaving a slightly less angry Seungmin to pout.

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