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Hi! I know , I know, I've been gone for a really long time. I apologise but things just keep coming at me and I've been a bit overwhelmed~ I'm doing my best to get chapters written and I'll keep trying. Are you all doing ok? Stay healthy! A lot has happened month huh?


Anyone that had classes or not that day were now standing in a line out in the middle of no where. Jeongin had taken them all for training.

"I understand this is on very short notice but if one of you die I won't be able to forgive myself." Jeongin paused his walking and looked up at them all. "I'll be putting you all through extensive training for five days. There will be no breaks with the exception of eating and sleep. We will use our remaining two days afterwards to get over sore muscles and clean up everything a bit. Understood?"

None of them had ever seen the boy so serious. It scared most of them.

"I said, understood?"

"Yes!" They all yelled back.

With no warning pieces of rock were being flung at them and their hands were tied behind their backs, falling to the ground.

"What the fu-" Felix was cut off with a pebble to his forehead.

"Use your powers to get out of the rope and escape from the line of fire! You will be graded on this!" Jeongin yelled over the sounds of the boys' grunts and the rocks whistling through the air.

Jeongin watched carefully at their hands. Hyunjin's rope began to turn black as he used heat to burn it off. Changbin's appeared to be boiling and steam came from it, making it slip off.

"Hyunjin and Changbin have gotten out, they are level ones for fucks sake! Focus people!" Jeongin yelled. While level one power only revolved around the four elements, they were still powerful and not to be underestimated.

Jeongin watched as the two boys stumbled out of the rock storm and down to their knees, groaning. He looked back up and saw Jisung's hands lightening in color until they dissapeared completely and he quickly pulled them to his sides, the rope falling to the ground.

Chan simply ripped the rope off and began doing his best to sprint off to the side and get out. Minho dug his ankle into the ground, ripping up dirt and grass. Suddenly a small wall of dirt came up from the ground, shielding him from the rocks. He panted and struggled a bit but eventually got out of the rope. Just in time as rocks were beginning to make way through the strongly compacted dirt. He looked up panicked and began to run.

"Chan, Minho, and Jisung are out, quickly you two or the rocks will get bigger." Jeongin yelled watching Felix still trying to get his hands out from under him and Seungmin doing his best to cut the rope with his tracking needle.

Seungmin finally snapped the rope and made a run for it. Felix finally got up from his back and looked down to avoid being hit in the face.

They all looked surprised when Felix let out a bloodcurdling scream. That was all but Jeongin. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Jisung about to run to the boy, but he held him back. "Jeongin stop! He's in pain!" Jisung screamed, trying to get out of Jeongin's grip.

"Stop." Jeongin pushed the boy and let him fall to the ground. He held up his hand to cease movement of the rocks and walked over to Felix. He was now laying on his side and sobbing loudly.

"M-my head and back, please make it stop!" He shouted, clawing at the rope that came off under his now long nails.

Jeongin bent down to the boy and felt at this head, feeling two small bumps. Jisung had walked up along with a few of the others. The rest still stood in their place still frozen in shock. Jeongin lifted the boys shirt and was about to put his hand on Felix's lower back when Jisung grabbed it. Jeongin looked up at him with a sharp gazed and pulled his hand away, feeling at Felix's back. He nodded his head after feeling another bump.

"This is amazing." He suddenly smiled, and they all looked at him with wide eyes. Even Felix managed to open his eyes and look up. "You're so rare! I've never seen one of you before this is crazy!" He broke out into laughter. "And you've already found your soul bond!"

"What the hell are you on about?" Chan asked.


Sorry for mistakes I don't have much time to read over it hehe

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