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"Today we will work on hand to hand combat. You will fight against the person in your catagory and the winners go against each other." Jeongin let them think about that for a few seconds before speaking again, "I'll be fighting the winner to come out of you all."

"First up, Changbin and Hyunjin."

The two boys walked out and onto the patch of grass that had white border marks around it. "You will fight to pin the other down for five seconds. Do not kill each other obviously, but also don't hold back." Jeongin held his hand in the air between them, counting down, "ready.. go!"

Hyunjin stood in the same place, waiting for the other to strike first.

"Jeongin, I have a question." Jisung stood next to the boy, watching the other two closely.


"What's the difference between elemental users and elemental spells? If level ones specialize in a single element, why can everyone use the elements in spells?" Jisung crossed his arms.

In the battle square, Changbin had created a swivel of water that circled his body. Hyunjin watched carefully, slightly lifting his hand, prepared to defend himself.

"Elemental users can create their element out of nothing." Jeongin's eyes sharpened as Changbin sent the thin line of water towards Hyunjin at a fast pace. Hyunjin lifted his hands completely and shot fire to counter it. The water turned to steam and left nothing but a spark to float to the ground. "While with spells, you need to be in contact the element you're casting."

Jisung nodded and continued to watch the two battle.

Hyunjin waited until Changbin had resumed the previous position when he struck at the boy's foot, Changbin jumped out of the way only to fall right into another wave of fire. He fell to the ground and held his arm. Hyunjin sighed lightly, running to Changbin.

Changbin got up just as he was about to be grabbed and drenched Hyunjin's hands in water. Hyunjin tried using his element but he couldn't until the water evaporated. He slowly heated his hands in temperature all while dodging attacks from Changbin. It would have been an easy process if he wasn't being constantly splashed by the water.

So he tried something different, and fire soon was oozing from the bottoms of his feet. Changbin however, didn't notice and was taken by surprise when he was not only kicked in the stomach but also burned. He winced and his hand shakily made its way to the hem of his shirt, pulling it up. His skin was bright red. Hyunjin was panting, but still continued and pinned Changbin, avoiding his stomach area.

"1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5!" Jeongin watched Hyunjin separate from Changbin. Jeongin could see the guilt in the boy's eyes as he helped Changbin to his feet and lifted him up, carrying him to sit in the shade under a tree.

Jeongin began walking towards the two but slowed his pace when he saw Changbin doing something with his water on his stomach. His eyes widened when he saw the burn had faded away. "When did you learn how to do that?" Jeongin asked.

Changbin shrugged, "I.. don't know.. it just felt like I should do it." He leaned his head back on the tree and took deep breaths. "It's very.. tiring though."

Hyunjin moved Changbin so his head was laying in his lap. "You both did well, you will be waiting until we finish the remaining few battles before your turn again." Hyunjin nodded at him and closed his eyes, trying to get his energy back to its original state.

"Alright! Minho, Chan, you're up." Jeongin went back into a focused state of mind.

The two stood their ground fiercely. Minho was the first to strike, sending a towering wave of rock towards Chan, who took no hesitation in punching through it. Jeongin formed a bubble around those that were not fighting in order to avoid injury from the flying rocks. Chan shook his head, debris from smaller rocks fell out of his hair.

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