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"Are you sure you can do all of that by yourself, at once?" The boys were gathered around a huge pile of the previous boy's stuff.

"No.. but I'm gonna try." Jeongin shrugged. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, opening them again. It felt as if there was a slight pause in every one of their lives as the huge pile disappeared.

"You actually managed that!?" Jisung shouted with wide eyes.

"Where's Felix?" Chan asked looking around.

They all turned and looked at Jeongin, who was trying to form words. "I- I don't, I'll be back." He did a little hop and disappeared into the air. A few seconds passed and he was there again, holding Felix by his arm.

"What just happened?" He looked around being in a new room surrounded by different people for a second time.


"For the last time, I don't know how it happened! Felix, that was also weeks ago!" Jeongin whined smacking Felix's shoulder. The male would not stop being up Jeongin's mistake even though it had been nearly a month since then.

"What if I would have ended up in a fountain or something?"

"But you didn't." Jeongin scoffed, "now let me go I need to go to class!"

"Why, I'm so bored all by myself!"

"Seungmin! Time to go!" Jeongin shouted, prying off Felix's death grip.

Seungmin immerged out of the hall and looked at the annoyed boy. They walked out of the door, still hearing Felix groan.

"12 to 1:30 right?" Seungmin quietly asked.

"Yeah, you really need to write that down, you ask like everyday." Jeongin smiled lightly, still looking forward. Jeongin opened the door to the large room and guided Seungmin to where they would usually be sitting.

"I didn't know you were gay too! This is gold, who's your boyfriend brat?" Habin approached Jeongin, smirking. He had changed courses and was in the same class as Jeongin and Seungmin starting today.

"Didn't I tell you that? I mean, you always seemed to be in love with me so I thought I should let you know, don't you think so?" Jeongin was interrupted by Habin slamming his hand on the desk.

"Listen here, you think you got jokes huh? Keep it up and I'll-"

"What? What exactly are you gonna do?" Seungmin slowly asked.

"You've both got nerve. You think you scare me, don't you puppy boy?" Habin gritted his teeth.

"He does look like a puppy, doesn't he?" Jeongin giggled slightly.

"You shut your mouth and continue to sit and look pretty while I handle this." Habin raised his voice slightly, in hopes to scare some sense into the boy.

Seungmin stiffed up slightly, and Jeongin smiled. "You think I'm pretty? Wahh, Habin, you can just tell me you like me!" Jeongin winked at him and laughed.

"You are in no place to say that, now could you please leave." Seungmin said to Habin.

"Hm? Does that make you.. jealous?" Habin asked, seating himself on Jeongin's desk.

"I said, leave, or do I have to make you?" Seungmin cocked his head to the side, lifting and eyebrow.

"I don't think I want to.." Habin reached over and ran his fingers through Jeongin's hair, who shook the hand away with a scowl.

He couldn't even process anything before he was slammed into the ground by an invisible force. Jeongin's head snapped over to Seungmin, he was staring intently at something that no one else could see.

"You can manipulate aura!?" Jeongin whisper shouted, smiling so big his cheeks started hurting.

Seungmin brushed off the comment, he was too blinded by an indescribable rage, he looked down at Habin, "leave."

The boy looked up with a pained expression and scoffed, slowly getting up and trudging to his seat.

"You didn't have to do that, he would have left eventually.. I'm used to it anyways." Jeongin sighed and fidgeted with his pencil.

"He touched you, that's not something you should be used to." Seungmin replied, seemingly still angry.

"Hey, calm down, it's alright." Jeongin frowned and nudged his arm.

Seungmin looked down at his watch, noticing it was only 1:45 and they still had plenty of time. He grabbed Jeongin's arm and pulled him out of the class and down the hall to a single bathroom.

"Seungmin! What are you doing we need to-" Seungmin locked the door and pushed Jeongin to the wall.

"You, need to stick up for yourself. You can't just take it and try to talk your way out every time." He sighed and crossed his arms. "You'll get nothing out of letting yourself be pushed around constantly."

"I-i know but it's so hard!" He let out a frustrated groan, "I only can do the basics and transform, I only have three of my powers, I can fight but not enough to beat him! He's so much more experienced and stronger than me, I don't know what to do Seungmin.. no matter how hard I try he always comes out on top." Jeongin cried, he finally allowed himself to come to terms with how he really felt. "It's just so difficult y'know? I've been here my whole life, my mom left, my dad is out of the picture now, I'm so fucking lonely and have no one to help me through this. I just want to be normal like all the humans." He stopped to breathe, but it hitched when he felt arms wrap around his waist. He closed his eyes and let out a strained breath, resting his arms around Seungmin's neck.

He didn't say anything, but the gesture was enough to comfort Jeongin.

Seungmin pulled away, fixing the younger's hair and pulling him out by his hand. They had three minutes before class. They walked in and everyone was already seated.

A bit of time passed and the door opened, revealing the teacher. "Hello everyone, I was informed we have about six new students, so I'll go over what you are doing here in Allpine." He nodded his head and sat on the edge of his desk. "You were brought here because we sensed power within you. You all are unique, we are here to teach you magic to help you out in this world. You are here to teach yourself how to control your power and use it. When you all graduate, which some of you may be this year, some of you may be in three. You will be free to go anywhere you want in this world, complete tasks for people to earn a living or settle down and start something for yourself. Of course there are also various jobs you can get also, but it's all up to you. This class will help you control everything you have and have learned, let's begin."

Seungmin noticed Jeongin being very out of it. He reached down and grabbed the boy's hand that was resting on his thigh and squeezed it lightly. "I'm here" he whispered lightly.

Placed 3rd in the competition!!

Sorry about any mistakes, wash your hands, keep them out of your face, and stay safe.

Don't get sick loves~

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