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It was a bit hard for the boys to ignore the fact it was morning, as the glass walls didn't hide an ounce of the sunlight shining through. Jeongin's body was aching in places he didn't know could be sore and his head felt like he got hit with a brick. He groaned, trying to adjust, but it was a little hard considering Seungmin had made himself comfortable on top of the younger's chest. Who was he kidding, he wouldn't have wanted Seungmin to move anyways.

He sighed, bring his arms to wrap around the male and looked out into the forest. He wondered where everything had went so wrong.

"You smell good," Seungmin's groggy morning voice was heard and Jeongin laughed.

"That's an odd thing to say first thing in the morning." Seungmin moved himself up to tuck his head into the crook of Jeongin's neck. "How are you feeling?"

Seungmin only hummed in acknowledgement of the question. He couldn't bring himself to speak, he was exhausted. Jeongin closed his eyes, trying to relax under the warmth of the sun rays.

"We need to get things figured out today. This is where we will stay from now on, I need to make sure everyone is as comfortable as possible." He sighed, wanting to just sleep his life away instead, but responsibility was stacked on his shoulders. "If things go as planned, we won't have to worry about the school anymore. However, we may have something more important to think about."

Seungmin sighed, his warm breath ghosting over Jeongin's neck, "does it have to do with what you've been meaning to tell me."

"Yeah," Jeongin simply replied, "it has everything to do with that." Seungmin looked up from his place to across the room where their roommates had left at some point in time.

"Well, we have time." Seungmin sat up, preparing himself to listen, but Jeongin only pulled him back down.

"Just stay with me like this, for a while longer."

Seungmin agreed, throwing a leg over Jeongin's hips to get more comfortable. "I'm listening."

Jeongin took a moment to piece his thoughts together before speaking. "You aren't a four— at least, you aren't anymore. When I kill— when uh, when Habin died, someone needed to take his place. The universe so happened to choose you, making us two the only fives in existence." Jeongin paused to see if the boy had any questions so far, but when nothing was said he continued. "It comes with a responsibility. You know how you had your world? With humans and such, and how we are also in this one? There's seven different dimensions, each of which we are responsible for, to keep peace between them."

"As of now, I've kept things okay, I haven't heard of any conflict, but if that day does come, it is up to us to fix it. I'm responsible for the people of each realm, while you are to manage their creatures and nature. You'll have a special connection with the mystic realm, and mine with the demons." Jeongin sighed, moving one hand to Seungmin's hair and the other to hold his thigh that laid across  Jeongin's waist. He felt Seungmin take a deep breath against him. "When I realized who Habin was, I came to a realization the more I thought about it. The reason all these bad things had begun to happen, is because Habin was selfish and refused to work with me to do our job, and instead kept it a secret to run away from his duty."

"How do you know all of this?" Seungmin asked quietly, Jeongin flinched at the feeling of the male's lips on his neck.

"The dean. He was unfortunately my only guide to understanding. I still don't know the extent of our power though." Jeongin answered with complete honesty.

They sat in silence for a while before Seungmin spoke again, "does that mean I'll be able to turn into a dragon like he could?" Jeongin laughed.

"Yes, yes you will. It is the mystic realm's gift to you." Seungmin smiled playfully at that.

"I'll take you to see the world then."

Jeongin smiled, "isn't that too cheesy?"

"I don't think so." Seungmin scooted himself impossibly closer, "why? You don't want to?"

"I didn't say that," perhaps he walked into that one himself. Seungmin hummed in acknowledgement, and Jeongin felt the other place a chaste kiss on his neck. "Don't do that."

"Why not?"

Jeongin smiled, "cause, I said so."

So Seungmin did it again, and again, and, "Kim Seungmin, you're gonna get yourself into a losing battle." It seemed like anything Jeongin said only was heard as a challenge. Seungmin moved, sitting himself on Jeongin's hips, leaning closer to his face. "Hey." Jeongin stared into his eyes, "why are you messing with my feelings like this?"

Seungmin laughed, "cause, I feel like it." Again, Seungmin kissed his way from Jeongin's neck to his jaw. Jeongin felt like his heart would explode any second now. He laid there, hands resting on Seungmin's thighs with his eyes shut.

When the sensation stopped, he complained. "Why'd you stop?" Jeongin opened his eyes again and found the other so, so close. "You were just getting to my lips."

The sudden change in Jeongin's voice just nearly convinced him to continue. Seungmin backed away and pat Jeongin's shoulder, standing up on the floor. "Thought you didn't want me messing with your feelings?" Seungmin grabbed some of his clothes and locked himself in the bathroom, leaving Jeongin with his mouth hanging open.

"Kim Seungmin! That was not nice!" When he didn't get a response he smacked his lips and rolled out of bed with a childish glare. "What a fucking tease."

Snaking a hand through his disheveled hair, Jeongin made his way to the kitchen where just about everyone was, their eyes intent on Felix. He appeared to be boiling something in a pot on the stove, and it smelled awfully good. Jeongin laughed, they all stood waiting to eat like a bunch of hounds. "You didn't use any powers to get that, did you?"

Felix turned around with a proud smile, and a piece of grass in his hair. "Nope! All with the instincts and killer sneak attack abilities!" He tapped his nose for reference as Jisung walked out of the room, looking like he had just finished a shower. He laughed when he saw Felix, walking up real close and picking the piece of greenery from his hair. They stared at each other, looking star struck.

"Hey, Felix, let's not flirt right now, we're still hungry." Hyunjin nodded his head towards the food on the stove with a sassy look on his face. Chan smacked him and glared.

"Don't ruin their moment," Chan said in a snarky tone.

Felix and Jisung both turned shades of red and went about their business, ignoring the teasing remarks.

"I'm glad we are all feeling better, but once you've eaten we need to have a serious conversation." Jeongin spoke, his hands in the pockets of the shorts he was wearing.

Seungmin came out from the room dressed in new clothes and and nudged him, "way to be a vibe killer. You could've waited till after to say that." Jeongin looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"You still aren't forgiven, just by the way."

Once again I'm writing this in the very early hours of the morning lol
It's something tho right?
I've had a hard time lately so I apologize at my lack of work towards my writing but I'm trying my hardest, please stay patient with me ^^

I hope you're still enjoying my writing and you're staying healthy, much love

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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