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Jeongin landed in a cavern with a heavy heart, after he escaped from Minho's anger. He sighed and wiped the rest of the blood from his face. He walked to the back wall and felt around a bit, once his hand came in contact with a smooth part a soft blue glow came from his hand, and the wall opened up.

He walked in, looking at the oasis he just opened up. There was a hill of grass and river with a water fall. He walked over to the grass plain and sat against a tree.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, letting out a breath. He felt something soft nudge his hand that was laid on the ground. He opened his eyes and looked down, seeing a small black and white Harlequin rabbit. He moved his hands to pick it up, holding it infront of his face. "I've never seen you before..?" He set the rabbit in his lap and looked around, seeing two more rabbits. A black and brown one like the one in his lap, and a completely white one. "You two..?" He looked between the animals that were approaching him. The bunny in his lap climbed down and ran to them.

"Congrats Habi and Jelly." Jeongin giggled. The two bunny's came and nudged him before hopping away with their new child.

"You named it jelly?"

Jeongin jumped and turned his head so fast it cracked his neck. "Ow!" He rolled his head around trying to ease the strain.


"How did you get in here?" Jeongin stood up and faced the new comer.

"The wall didn't shut."

"How'd you find me anyways?"

"I learned my second ability remember, tracking." Seungmin waved his finger in a circle and a little black needle appeared, pointing at Jeongin. The male suddenly recalled the two in their training session for the day when Seungmin miraculously discovered another ability.

"Mh, yeah.." Jeongin sat back down against the tree.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just looking around." Anyone could tell that was a blatant lie, an attempt to brush off the conversation at hand.

"Well come on back, the others came over. I came to get you." Seungmin averted his gaze away from the waterfall and down to Jeongin. The said boy nodded his head, although reluctantly. Seungmin followed behind him as they made their exit from the inexplainable place. It was a wonder really, how all of that fit inside, when the outside seemed so small.

"What even is that place?" Seungmin asked, following Jeongin.

"That? That's just my special place, it has everything I've ever wanted. Even if it could all disappear one day, now that I have what I have right here, that would be ok."

Jeongin smiled lightly.

"What do you have?" Seungmin noticed the boy wasn't carrying anything.

"You'll know soon enough."

Jeongin gripped the boys shoulder and teleported them back to the dorm. "A fair warning would've been great!" Seungmin yelled trying to grab something, though the only thing around him was air.

He opened his eyes and saw a room full of boys staring at him. "Should I ask?" Hyunjin mumbled.

"I think we should just let it be." Changbin whispered to him. Hyunjin nodded.

"So why are you all here, and why did I have to be apart of it?" Jeongin sighed, crossing his arms.

"We were put together for the mid year assessment."

Jeongin's eyes widened, and he remembered the year was already half way over. "You guys are no where near ready! You can all already teleport correct?" They all nodded. "Ok, do you all have at least one of your powers discovered?"Jeongin shouted frantically.

Everyone nodded and he let out a breath of relief, "you still might need more control training and," Jeongin started pacing back and forth. "A good amount of stamina and you need to be absolutely exceeding in combat! You guys- you-" All of a sudden Jeongin broke out in tears, surprising everyone.

"Y— yah, why are you crying? You're scaring us." Chan stuttered, not sure of what to do.

"What's wrong?"

"Calm down Jeongin, it's ok."

"Hey, hey, look at me." Seungmin grabbed Jeongin's wrist to get him to stop pacing, only then did he realize how much the boy was shaking. Jeongin inhaled and looked over, trying to wipe away his tears.

"I can't lose someone else to this." Jeongin said in the most stern voice he could muster.

"What do you mean?" Seungmin slightly tilted his head, something he often did when he was confused.

"I'm not letting one of you die." Jeongin broke down again, Seungmin hugging him close and looking at the others who were just as shocked.

"It's gonna be alright." Seungmin whispered, trying to reassure not only Jeongin but also himself.

"I don't want to do it," Jeongin sobbed quietly, "I can't do it again." It had only been a few months that they were together, but Jeongin had never felt more at peace with himself than with them. He finally felt like he actually had a family, people he could rely on.

"Let's go to sleep and think about this tomorrow ok?" Minho said quietly, gesturing the boys that stayed in that dorm down the hall.

"What about us?" Hyunjin asked, pointing at Changbin and himself.

"The couch extends, you can get some blankets out of that closet, I'm going to check on Jeongin." Minho walked away and into Jeongin and Seungmin's shared room. "Innie..?"

He turned on the lamp that was in between the two beds and saw Jeongin laying under the covers, slowly falling asleep with Seungmin holding his hand.

"Hey, before you fall asleep." Minho brushed Jeongin's hair away and kissed his forehead. "I'll will be here if you need me alright? We will all be just fine, I promise."

"Please don't make promises you can't keep." Jeongin opened his eyes, they were still red and his cheeks were stained. He appreciated it anyways. Minho didn't often show affection like this, but Jeongin knew he thought of them all as his younger brothers. Jeongin was unspeakably thankful for that.

"This is one that I'm gonna keep under every circumstance, it'll only be broken if I die." Minho held out his pinky.

Jeongin brought his extra hand up and hooked them together, "don't say that."

"Ok ok, just remember that alright?" Jeongin nodded and Minho stood up, ruffling Jeongin's hair and patting Seungmin's shoulder, "get to sleep soon you two."

He walked out, carefully shutting the door behind him. "Minho is right, I want to make a promise also." Seungmin said, looking into Jeongin's eyes.

"What is it?"

"I will be there for you no matter what, anyone that tried to hurt you, it will have to be over my dead body."

Jeongin took Seungmin's pinky and stared at them for a while, he lowered them to lay on his stomach. "Could you sleep here, just for tonight?"

"Of course."


Sooooooooo it's 1am and guess who had a mental break down about twenty minutes agooo?? Meeeee!!! Also again, it's 1am I'm so so sorry for mistakes

Jiyoon is a free baby now, but bol4 is no more and I am very sad about this. They may not have been at the top of my list nor priorities, but it still makes me really sad to know such talent was wasted. So, I wanted to say thank you Ji, for being such a kind person even when people treated you like such shit. Thank you for showing people what you could do.

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